Untitled Part 9

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                                                                                   Are You Serious

Everyone gathered in the huge hanger of the Space Craft, the excitement growing as to what they were about to hear, be it good or bad. But as John Blackmore recited the events of the day there was some silence, some giggles, and, "Are you serious" said Otto Van Brugger. "Are you asking us to believe that this person, Ronan and a few of his people have constructed two large Towns in styles from three thousand miles apart, fully equipped and ready for us to move in, seriously" "John is telling the truth Otto" said Mbeki Omani, "It is the most incredible thing I have ever seen" He looked out into the gathering, "And tomorrow everyone will have the opportunity to see what we have witnessed today" Very little sleep was had by the passengers of New Horizons, every scenario of what was happening was played out and repeated time and time again. "Where did the materials come from to build two fairly large Towns, and did you see any power source for the electricity? John Blackmore, forever the sceptic asked Terrence Cummings. "I have no idea" he answered, "But everything about this place gives me the creeps"
The next morning right on schedule Ronan was on his now personal grassy embankment, but this time he was not alone. By his side and looking equally as happy was a young woman who in earth years would appear to be around thirty years old. As the five hundred left the ship John Blackmore instructed Hector to notify Nasa of what was happening, knowing that it would take at least three weeks for any transmission to reach Earth while at the same time instructing the Super Computer to close the outer doors and only open them when instructed by himself. Ronan greeted them with his seemingly unbreakable smiley face. "This is Miriam" he said, pointing in a strange way at someone who was not twelve inches away from his shoulder. "I trust you all slept well. Today we will visit the Euro/Asian style Town which in a different direction is closer than the American Town" And as before they walked thirty yards in front of the long strung out group. True to his word in one and a half hours they were in sight of a completely different set of structures. Only recognisably of course to the ten who had seen the alternative. Although offering the same in facilities everything seemed older but more substantially built. There were shops stacked with cold weather clothes, market stalls littered the streets, the buildings had character and looked more lived in than new. Ronan suddenly stopped. "From here" he began, "Everyone from the eastern side of your Planet Earth will stay with Miriam in this Town which we have named Origen. You can seek out your own accommodation depending on your family status. As you inform Miriam of your previous occupations and lifestyles you will be allotted places of work which you shall own, and with hard work will make prosper. Within the Towns boundaries you will form your own leadership structure and live by your own decisions, and we trust you will be happy. The remaining Western section of your group will accompany myself to the Town we have named Providence where your lifestyles will be mirrored by what I have just explained. Any questions? "What if we want neither? asked Filipe Cantone. "Then you can leave and live on your ship" answered Miriam, "Where your supplement pills will I suspect run out in around ten months. Furthermore should you choose to live on your Craft, you will have no contact with the residents of either Providence or Origen, the choice is yours. We will allow everyone, two of your Earth weeks to make up your mind. Please remember we are here to help you to move forward" The five hundred spent the rest of the day being allotted there chosen tasks. In Origen there were three hundred and forty residents leaving two hundred and sixty in Providence. Two farms were given to Bjorn Christenson from Sweden and Murdo Mclean from Scotland, both were in Origen. Apart from the Farms each Town had similar housing and retail facilities, except for one, the Pharmacy, there was only one in Providence which would be manned by Filipe Cantone and his wife Rene a qualified nurse. As each family was discovering their new homes and occupations arguments through jealousy began to take place and although these spates were minimal John Blackmore recognised them as the beginning of the very thing they had left back on earth, "Capitalism" Privatisation and the free market. Nevertheless he now had two weeks to debate there strategy going forward. On their return to New Horizons it was late and the order of the day was sleep, well rested minds would be needed for the conversations to be had in the morning. 
John Blackmore had very little sleep, so many doubts over what they had seen raced through his mind. "Who were these people? Did they really visit Earth two hundred years ago and on a whim build two large Towns on a Planet that two hundred years ago we had not yet discovered in the belief that we would land there. What if we had taken five hundred years or even one thousand. Does time mean nothing to them? Why are there Cows and chickens but no dogs or cats? Is it because they can breed and run free? In the early hours he manage to drift into sleep awakened by his son Roman racing through the small screened off room where he lay. By 10am all had gathered in the Hanger. John Blackmore outlined his discomfort with the whole Ronan story and how it had come about. He also touched on the squabbles that had arisen after only one day, following six months of peace and harmony. "Why are you such a doubter John Blackmore" shouted someone from the gathering. "It would seem from yesterday given the quite substantial size of both Towns that there is no room for a Master Builder. Could jealousy be the reason behind your words? Before he could answer another voice took centre stage. "We have a mission" the speaker began, "A mission to prepare for new arrivals from Earth. Arrivals that I at the age of thirty-nine will most likely never see with a forty year turnaround. Therefore I suggest that we make the most of our hosts hospitality and the opportunity we have been given and prepare this Planet for our children and grandchildren" These comments were met with overwhelming approval causing John Blackmore to hold his response.   

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