Untitled Part 2

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The waiting was over. A worldwide TV broadcast was set up in which the five hundred Green Cards plus one hundred Amber Cards would be announced to the rest of the eagerly watching world. The process of selection was simplified by allowing that 40% would be children under the age of eighteen, 20% would be men or women who were the homing parents, a further 20% would be physical labour, leaving 20% who would be the academics in all walks of life numbering 100 men and women who would create and design the lifestyle of the 500 going forward. A panel of selection judges from all over the world and from all Industries,( Technical, Building, Farming, Teaching, Police, Engineering, and so on. Had assembled in New York and following being in complete lockdown for two months they had reached their decisions, and the world held it's breath waiting to hear. 
As the names began to emerge it was evident that  most of if not all applicants, had come from China, Japan, Europe and America. In the Middle East and India they still believed that their Prophets would find a way to save them. Australia and New Zealand over the past Century had become completely self sufficient and no longer traded with the rest of the World. In Africa Wars continued to devastate the land. They were living 100 years behind the rest of the Planet leaving no time for, as they would say, such trivial matters. Russia had their own Space Program and still to this day looked upon anything to do with the West as un-Communistic. As the final names were announced Terence and Lara Cummings had been selected while the Blackmore family had bee given an Amber card and placed on standby. The World Space Organization now had their six hundred potential Astronauts. Tickets and flight times were issued and two weeks later all were gathered in a massive auditorium in Miami Florida. Nate Bradley the Director General of Nasa first of all asked that all present read and sign the Non Disclosure papers they had received on their arrival. Next, "The purpose of the mission, to seek out and create a life sustainable Planet where Human beings and potentially animals could once again co-exist with a history beginning in the year 2282. We do understand that you would be starting from a point of nil, and our technology would be accelerating therefore at the time of your arrival here on Earth we would be 100 to 200 years ahead of you, and subsequent travellers would be travelling back in time, but with new innovations to share. The hope is to launch every five years with possibly two and then three ships. The journey will take approximately thirty five years. I here you gasp" he said, "But New Horizons, as the ship will be known is not a floating Hotel but a Cargo ship containing, Medical supplies, Tools for all trades, Machinery of all kinds, Beds, Blankets, Your clothing, New Horizon is if you like a well stocked Warehouse containing all Worldly needs" "We will be too old to use most of  this equipment" shouted one of the green cards. "This was always going to be the firs question asked" answered Nate Bradley. "What I am about to say will test your faith in the science of Space Exploration and will ultimately decide who will go and who will stay. You will take with you only foods which can be frozen indefinitely, this is a work in progress. You will live on supplement pills for all of your lifestyle needs. You will carry fresh water but we are confident that your destination, we have named Outreach One, will contain an adequate supply" As he spoke some people now realising the full magnitude of the journey began to leave. "I surmise that the greatest concern that, not some but all of you, is the fact that you will be thirty five years older when you arrive" he continued. "This in fact will not be the case. One week into the flight you will be placed in human sized Pods, your bodies will be medically closed down. You will receive Oxygen as a diver at sea as you are completely submerged in Formaldehyde to prevent your body from aging" More people headed for the exit, some shouting, con and fraud. Nate Bradley continued. "On board there will be no Pilot and no Captain. The flight will be monitored by Hector the ships computer. Every eventuality as we see it has been entered into his memory and he will begin the process of your awakenings two weeks before your arrival at Outreach One. During this two week period you will select your own chain of command feeding from your experiences during your two year training and adjustment period. This is indeed a new beginning. You will create a new life from the knowledge you have gained here on Earth. Have you any questions? "What are the percentage chances of our reaching Outreach One? was the first and most obvious question. "We estimate an 80% chance of success" answered Nate Bradley. "Hector is the most sophisticated computer system ever built and he will get you there" Second question, "If our brain is closed down will we remember what has gone in the past? "Good question" said Nate Bradley. "This was one thing that confused Medical Science, but the consensus was that your brain out of all of your organs is the one that does not age, only the questions it is asked. Your brain after all is a Computer and unless hit by a virus, should never break down. We will therefore be placing two electric probes into your brain which throughout your journey will never close down" Third question, "Have you allowed for any fatalities on the journey? "We do not anticipate any non arrivals" was the answer. Terrence Cummings raised his hand, "When do I get to meet Hector? he asked. "I am aware of your expertise in Computer science Mr Cummings" answered Nate. "All I can say is very soon. We will now give you two days to make your final decision, stay or leave, at which stage we will upgrade the Amber Cards to Red as the flight is equipped for exactly 500 travellers. Please think carefully remember there is no return"

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