Untitled Part 11

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                                                                           The Beginning of the End
John Blackmore had used his words to avoid conflict and ease his way from that reached place, but in reality he meant not a word of it. There was work to do, a new strategy would be needed to remove Bask and Becker and free the people of Origen. In the weeks that followed he tried to form alliances with some of the people he still regarded as friends. Otto Von Brugger, the once leader of the five hundred was now working in the fields for Bjorn Christenson. The once great man now spent his whole day gathering crops for the privilege of a meal each evening. John Blackmore managed to reach him undetected by Troy Brask's henchmen, but Otto was not in a good place. The once 15 stone confident specimen that he was, had now reduced to almost half of his original weight, mainly due to malnutrition. They spoke of their original hopes for the 500 and their joint dismay at the present outcome. "What can be done John? asked Otto. "This was hailed as a new beginning, but slowly we are descending into the abyss. There is a blindness in people that I do not recognise. Their disregard for the feelings of others goes beyond even Earth's failures" "My plan Otto" said John Blackmore would be to gather, "Have nots" from both Origen and Providence and lead them back to New Horizons where we can regroup and create the life that we had planned" "Do you really think that was better than where we are now? asked Otto. "I do" answered John Blackmore and we begin tomorrow with Origen" That night John Blackmore and his family returned to their Ship, content in his own mind that he had formed an alliance with one of the most persuasive and respected people in the 500 group. John was catching up on the writings in a diary he started from the day they first landed. Ivana Blackmore was home-schooling her two children Roman now aged  fourteen and Ayla who was just about to leave her eleventh year. They were alerted by loud shouting from outside of the Craft. "John, John" the voice wrung out, "Are you available, if so open the outer doors" John instructed Hector to do just that and stepped outside. It was Otto. "What is causing all the commotion" he asked, walking down the ramp, "Has someone died? "Yes" answered Otto, "Exactly that. It is Murdo Mclean the Farmer" "You are not making any sense" said John Blackmore, now joined by the rest of his family, "Calm down and explain? "There was a riot" Otto began, "Somehow The Original's became aware of your intentions and decided to take over Providence. As they reached the outskirts the Provincials moved to confront them. In the mayhem that followed Murdo was pushed over by Carter Taylor's wife Charlotte, as he fell his head struck a rock and he is dead" "Then it was an accident" said John. "Not in the eyes of Troy Brask" replied Otto, "She has been arrested and they say she could be executed" "John Blackmore addressed the small gathering of very nervous people who had accompanied Otto. "This is ridiculous" he began, "I am sure there will be a peaceful outcome. Go back to your homes and we will confront Brask and Han's Becker first thing in the morning" "You must come with us John" shouted Mbeki Omani, "Carter Taylor has already gathered a substantial group around him and they are sworn to achieve the release of his wife. You could be the only one to make them see reason" John Blackmore agreed to go with them. He kissed Ivana and hugged his children. "Don't worry" he told them "I will return before midnight" It was 6pm on Outreach One. The walk back to Providence would take one and a half hours, and the same for his return, giving John Blackmore three hours to calm down the situation between the Towns and potentially save the life that the 500 had sacrificed so much to achieve. Just south of Providence the stand-off was still in place with both sides no more than 300 yards apart. John Blackmore approached the Originals and was met halfway by a party of six led by Han's Becker. "You are obviously trying to provoke a confrontation" John told him, "You will release Charlotte Taylor immediately or I will be forced to notify NASA" "And they will do what exactly" answered Han's Becker. "We have been stuck on this Planet for almost two years and in that time you have received only four notifications. For all we know all of the scientists, engineers, and family we once relied on are probibly dead. So get it into your head Mr high and mighty Blackmore, this is as good as it gets for us, therefore we may as well make the most of what we got. The Taylor woman pushed Murdo Mclean deliberately. He leaves a wife and three grown up children, therefore she must pay for her actions" "You do not have the authority to deal with this level of incident" said John Blackmore, "And if you insist on keeping her locked up in Origen then you may well end our stay here before it has truly begun" "She is going nowhere" answered Han's, "Just go home" "John Blackmore retreated to Providence vowing to return the next  morning. He explained to the Provincials the conversation that he had just had and reluctantly they agreed that it could wait till morning, tensions were high, a clear mind was needed. One and a half hours later John Blackmore walked up the ramp and entered New Horizons. As his feet cleared the outer door, with no command from him the Ship went into lockdown. "Hector what is going on" he asked. Hector did not answer. Ivana approached him saying, "There is someone in the Medical room who wishes to speak with you" "Who is it? he asked. But there was no reply. As he pulled back the screen which covered as a door John Blackmore was confronted by a man wearing only pure white robes. "Who are you? asked John, "And what can I do for you?
"My name is "Galan" he answered, "I am Senior Ambassador to the people of Morena and I think it is time we had words" 

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