Ch-1 The Prodigious Child And His Insatiable Hunger

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Minoru POV

I honestly don't know what catalysed this desire of mine. 

But I was different from other people...

I wanted to learn. I've always wanted to learn. 

There was nothing specific when it comes to this. For as long as I can remember, my thirty and hunger for knowledge and power was insatiable. 

And I did absolutely everything I could have possibly thought about. 

I studied everything. Every single subject related to science and the world itself. 

Astrophysics, Electromagnetism, Quantum Mechanics, Nuclear Physics, Thermodynamics, Acoustics, Molecular Physics, General Relativity, Cosmology, Astrology, Biochemistry, Inorganic and Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Anatomy, Biology, Structural Biology, Engineering and Technology, Zoology and Botany, Molecular Biology, Biotechnology, Bioengineering, Genetics, Mathematics, History, Geography....

I learnt everything I could possibly learn. 

And when I got bored of that, I focused on something else.


I mastered the piano, learned the violin and guitar, and I wanted to learn even more, but my interests simply shifted from music. 

I stopped because I was already good at musicals and instruments. So good in fact, that any rich businessman who would hold a party or gathering would send invites to my family to have my play for them. 

I was popular already. Not just for my musical talent, but also for my incredible knowledge. 

The world recognised my as an unrivalled child genius. 

I was paid millions of yen to take part in gatherings, play music in parties, take part in talk shows and podcasts, etc. 

I dabbled in fashion, wanting to be presentable. 

But aside from fashion, I also dove into the brilliance of culinary arts. I had a gut feeling this world help me in the future and my own curiosity wouldn't allow me to not learn it. I focused on learning the creation and manufacture of many different foods like alcohol, chocolate and more, while also memorizing many recipes. 

Later.. I began to focus on training my body. 

I trained each and every muscle of mine carefully to reach peak condition. 

I abandoned the music industry because I had no more interest for it. I had already forgotten how many times or people I've played for. 

I then mastered as many martial arts as I physically could. It was incredibly taxing for a young boy like me. 

Taekwondo, Judo, Karate, Tai Chi, Muay Thai, Boxing, Kickboxing, Krav Maga, Kendo, Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, Kung Fu, etc. I even got into fencing, archery, swordsmanship and other weapons.

I travelled across the world, met countless practitioners and experts, people who were unrivalled in their fields. I was always left feeling amused at their faces of disbelief when I copied them. This included scientists. 

... But it was never enough.

Like I've said before, I have no idea why I'm like this. I just never feel satisfied. I've never left fulfillment before. 

It's never enough for me. I've always wanted more. 

More power. 

More knowledge. 

I've been going about, wanting it. Longing for it. Yet it was so far, just a dream. 

I was different from other people. 

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