Ch-3 The Birth Of Cid Kagenou

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Minoru POV 

When my eyes fluttered open for the first time since I supposedly entered the light and ascended, I was met with nothing but a ceiling. 

Which did confuse me greatly, making me wonder why in god's name I was staring at an unfamiliar ceiling. 

But while I was contemplating this, two large figures covered my face. I stared at both of them with widened eyes, unable to believe what was happening. 

I noticed it... I finally found it...! 

Glowing particles in the air around me.

Without a doubt in my mind, I knew exactly what this meant.

Magic! I was staring at magic! 

Does this mean... I really managed to cross the world and obtain magic ? 

I was so ecstatic about this I wanted to squeal happily. I could feel my face scrunch up, my eyes sparkling as I raised my hands to try and grab the particles in the air. 

But as I was doing this, I noticed something. My hand wasn't the same colour or shape it used to be. 

For some reason, my hand looked like it had no flesh, just a white, glowing outline filled with internal colours of varying degrees, all moving randomly and independently like some kind of aura. 

I felt the air around me was different. It was heavier than what I was used to. It was thicker. 

All because of this magical particles in the sky. 

But I I continued to observe the magic particles with fascination, I realised something. They're... Very small. 

So small I'm fact that they can count as microscopic. So small in fact, that it could be measured in Angstroms! 

But wait...! There's more! 

Inside these magic particles were even smaller particles, so small in fact I could mistake them for atoms. I had no idea how I could see them, but I could! 

"Awe~! Looking at how adorable his little smile is!" I heard a female squealing, making my drop my smile and try to pinpoint the location of origin of the voice. 

"Agreed. But I don't understand... Why are his eyes glowing ? What's with that weird aura in his eyes ?" 

As I peered into this magical abyss, my eyesight began to waver for some reason. The colours began to dissipate and the world turned to a colour I recognised. 

The normal vision of a human! The colour I was used to seeing! 

While I was left confused, I looked at my hands, bringing them close to my face, and my eyes couldn't help but widen in shock. 

My hands... They were so small! So stubby! 

What happened to me?! 

I tried to move, but realised I couldn't. As the world became more recognisable, I finally managed to notice the three figures towering over me. 

They were both humans! A male and a female. Both unnaturally bigger than they should be. 

I was being carefully held by the female, who looked mature enough to be a mother. Her eyes were closed and yet for some odd reason, she was able to still see me. Her hair was a dark, glossy colour and her skin was soft and delicate. 

On the other hand, the older male had dark eyes and was apparently half bald, with only some facial hair to make up for the lack of hair on his shining cranium, which only covered some parts of the back of his head. 

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