Ch-2 Blessed By The Voice Of The World

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No one's POV 

Nishino's eyes snapped open. 

Staring up at the ceiling, she began to slowly come back to her senses as her memories began to invade her mind. 

She noticed how she was in an unknown place, a warehouse of some kind, laying down on the hard floor while glass windows on the roof to left the light of the crescent moon shine done on her. 

She tried to move, but she realised she couldn't move. Her hands were both tied tightly behind her back with thick rope, to the point where it actually hurt. Her legs were also tied together, making it impossible for her to stand up or try to run. Additionally, her mouth was gagged with a white cloth and since she was left in isolation, chances are no one would be able to hear her even if she could scream. 

She sat up straight as her blood pressure increased and her heart raced. Sweat began to trickle down her face as she realised what had just happened to her... again. 

"You made a mistake." Said a man with blonde hair and an arrogant, punchable face. "The heir of the Nishino Conglomerate went out at night alone. You were just asking for bad guys to kidnap you, right ?" 

Behind him, an older, more level headed male with darker hair stared at him with a stern expression. 

"Behave yourself." He said. 

"The random note has already been sent. As long as they pay, we'll let you go."

"Ostensibly, it's supposed to be so. But your father has made many enemies, you know ?" He exclaimed, hands spread open with a cocky grin on his face. 

"Shut it." Said the other man firmly. 

"Huh ? You're just an outsider. What do you know ? Stop ordering me around!" 

"I said shut it, you outdated hooligan." 

While they were bickering, Nishino stared at them with tears welling up in her eyes, her biggest fears came true yet again and she's fallen victim to another kidnapping. 

The random note was sent so she would be sent back home safely, but who's to say what will happen to her while she was still here ? 

All the while, they failed to notice the boy that had followed them to the warehouse, who had now recorded this conversation with a phone and then switched it off. 

He had already changed his clothes to the ones he normally used in these kind of nightly activities. 

His outfit was simple but good. Sleak but glossy and dark. He wore full black. Black pants, black boots, black shirt with a black hooded tranch coat and to top it all off, he also wore a skull mask to hide his face. 

"Aw man... Today was supposed to be a good day for me. But now it's ruined." The blonde gangster whined, after bickering with the older man he clearly didn't seem to like all that much. 

He then turned towards Nishino and grinned maliciously. "Why don't you help me feel better ?" 

Nishino trembled in fear as her entire body twitched, every cell in her body paralyzed from the fear she was feeling, knowing full well what he wanted. 

"Let's just call it fan service. I'll start with that pretty little mouth of yours." He grabbed her face roughly, but she shook his hand off and looked away with defiant eyes. 

Her action managed to visibly piss the man off, making her scowl at her. "Don't you try to resist!" 

Raising a hand, a loud smack echoes through the empty warehouse, making the other guy sigh while leaning against a pillar. 

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