Chapter 15

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The mere touch of her hand on my arm set my skin on fire. I turned to look at her, expecting something similar to yesterday's strange behavior, but her gaze was different, it was as it had always been, tender, inspiring, brilliant.

—Can we talk for a minute?— she asked, her velvet voice caressing my ears.

I nodded, and she let go of me.

—I think...— she began, then instantly lowered her gaze, —I owe you an apology,— she murmured, but I remained silent because I didn't really know what to say. Then she lifted her gaze with those dark eyes and captured my face. Since I said nothing, she continued speaking: —About yesterday, the... strange argument we had, I... um... I should thank you, although I don't see anything wrong with giving a simple flower to a friend; but you're right.—

—What am I right about?— I asked, speaking for the first time since the day began.

—That I should give those kinds of things to Lia, she's my girlfriend,— she said, with a faint smile. —Right?—

I wanted to bite my tongue, I wanted to take back the words I had said yesterday, but I couldn't anymore, besides it was true, I was right, and it hurt to admit it.

—Of course, yes,— I smiled too, albeit feigned.

—So...— she hesitated. —Are we okay? I mean, we're friends, right?—

Friends. The word bounced around my mind like a ping pong ball. And it hurt.

—Of course, friends,— I managed a faint and barely visible smile.

—Great,— her smile widened.

—Yeji, Ryujin! Why are you still there?— Lia appeared again and took each of us by the hand, leading us with her. —Yeji, I saw some beautiful dresses, you'll love them,— she said excitedly.

I smiled, feigning enthusiasm.

She led us to the back of the store, where she had already made a selection of three dresses; one in white, another in blue, and the last one in burgundy.

—Go and choose one you like, Yeji, come on,— she urged me, pointing to a section with several dresses.

I turned to them and began to run my hand over each one, absentmindedly. Pink, red, black, yellow. The colors passed through my mind, but nothing else; because I wasn't really paying attention to the satin design.

Friends. Ryujin's conclusion told me that was our fate, nothing more. If I had dreams, hopes, or any kind of speculation about a possible future relationship, I had to throw them away. Nothing was going to happen, ever, simply because she was my best friend's girlfriend.

—I think black would look great on you,— she said beside me, bringing me back to reality, but still keeping me lost in the layers of velvet in her voice.

—How?— I asked, bewildered.

—The black one,— she pointed to a mannequin wearing a beautiful long black dress with gold designs.

I approached it, extremely drawn to it, and Ryujin followed me.

—Very spacious, don't you think?— I said, admiring the wide skirt.

—Not so much. Perfect, I'd say,— she said. —It would look great on you, like the blouse you wore the day we went out with my sister, remember? Besides, it's my favorite color,— she added.

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