[Chapter 6]

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Chapter 6

Reader's POV

The next day we all sat around a table waiting for food to eat so we could continue searching for Zane. Aphmau hadn't been able to sleep, much less eat. Aaron and Gene decided to make food for the girls and I, they worked well together, however, there was a slightly tense atmosphere around the two. Garroth was off trying to get the wi-fi up with a slow worker from an Internet service provider company.

As Aphmau whimpered, I was snapped out of my thoughts.

"Aphmau, try not to worry about Zane. I'm sure he's okay" Lucinda reassured.

"I can't help it. How can I sit down and eat while Zane's probably out there starving and cold!" Aphmau worries.

"Aphmau, try not to think of that. We've already done all we can."

Aphmau dwells on the topic.

"Plus, you can't search for him on an empty stomach! Just, uhh, try to focus on something else!" Kim encouraged.

"Kim's right. You need to regain your energy and strength." I jumped in.

"Yeah! You could focus on, ummm, that hunk in the kitchen making us lunch!" Lucinda suggested.

The girls and I looked towards the kitchen to see Aaron and Gene cooking together.

Confused, I raised a brow, "Which one?"

The girls turned to look at me. All three had varying degrees of blushes on their faces.

"Obviously, Aaron!" Lucinda slapped my arm playfully.

"Yeowwch!" I giggled, faking injury.

The four of us bursted out laughing.

"There's nothing more good-looking than someone who can cook!" Lucinda smiled.

"You said it! Food's the best way to a girl's heart!" Kim agreed.

"In that case, I'll have to cook for you all sometime!" I winked.

The three giggled at my antics.

Aphmau sighed, dropping the playful energy. "Yeah... Alright, I'll try to keep it off my mind... at least for lunch..."

"That-A-Girl." Lucinda patted Aphmau's head.

"But... Maybe I should have a look around the cabin. Just one more time." Aphmau reasons.


"Aphmau. We've searched the whole place..." Lucinda pointed out.

"Just one more look. I'll be back before Aaron is done." Aphmau runs out of the dining area.

"That's not keeping your mind off it!" Lucinda calls after her. "Ugh, there she goes..."

"Lucinda, I know you mean well, but I can see where she's coming from." Kim explains.

"Yeah, but if she's suffering from lack of sleep and food, what can she do to help?"

"Either way we have to be there for her." I mediate.

"I get it, let's just let her do her thing for now..." Kim agrees.

"Umm, okay..." Lucinda reluctantly also agrees.

The remaining three of us sit waiting for food. Kim starts looking through her phone.

"Hmm oh! I think I got a signal! Uh no, never mind." Kim pouts.

"It's no use, Kim. Let's just wait for the internet to come back online." Lucinda eases.

"Yeah, I suppose. How do you think Garroth is holding up?" Kim asks aloud.

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