Part 3: No Longer Best Friends/Kyle, the Gay Hero/Reunion

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The next day later.
Kyle's Pov:
The next day later, I woke up, with all my stuff in Eric's room, next to him in bed.
His bed was extremely big, for his big size, so it was able to fit me on it.
Eric's mom didn't want to see me sleeping on the floor.
Just then, I woke up, yawning, to seeing Eric, still asleep, snoring.
I groaned, shaking him.
Kyle: Dude!! Wake the fuck up!! We've got school!!
Eric: No... Can't I just use what happened yesterday as an excuse... I'm tired...
I stared at him, frowning, annoyed.
Kyle: No, dude!! You're always tired!! And it's because you're so FAT!!
Eric: Ugh... Wake me up later...
Just then, I slapped him awake, and he squeals, screaming.
Eric: Fucking bitch...
Just then, I kissed him on the lips, hoping for forgiveness.
He sighs, blushing as he kisses back.
Eric: I can't believe I'm dating an asshole...
Kyle: Sorry, dude. It's for your own good...
Eric: What a nerd...
I sighed, rolling my eyes.
He always calls me a nerd.
He calls Stan a nerd, too.
Me and Stan are completely the same, yet with me and Eric, we're completely different...
Just then, I thought of something.
What was going to happen when we met up with Stan and Kenny...
Stan would be there...
He'd hate me...
Kyle: Dude... Stan's gonna hate me...
Eric: Oh, don't be such a pussy...
Kyle: I'm not saying that I'm a pussy. I'm just saying... He's not gonna like seeing my face... I mean... We were best friends...
Eric: So? Just hide behind Kenny... It really helps. He's the literal peace maker...
Kyle: Yeah, for you.
Eric: No, dude, seriously. He's the only one in our group who hasn't fought... Just died multiple times, that's all.
Kyle: Yeah, which still doesn't add up to me. How the fuck... It's literally like reincarnation or something, but... I don't get it!!
Eric: No one does. Anyways, let's go downstairs and see what my mom made for breakfast. I'm fucking starving. I have no time for your petty little feelings talk...
I sighed, groaning as I rolled my eyes, annoyed.
Typical Cartman.
We walked downstairs, where there were pancakes on the table, and hot chocolate.
Kyle: SWEET!! Pancakes and hot chocolate!!
Eric's mom smiles.
Liane: Mhm. Eat up!!
Just then, we both sat down and started eating.
Eric's mom sighs.
Liane: Soo, Kyle... Your parents have already made me your official guardian...
I sighed.
Kyle: Great... Just what I needed to hear at the start of the morning...
Liane sighs.
Liane: I'm sorry, Kyle... You don't deserve this... But it's okay with me, alright?? You'll be safe here... Your mom says your little brother Ike misses you, and wants to visit you...
How heartwarming.
Even after finding out I'm gay...
Kyle: Really??
Liane nods.
Liane: Mhm. Your mom says she'll bring Ike over to play with you today after school... He really wants to see his big brother again.
Kyle: Aww...
Liane: Don't forget you'll also have the bus stop to see him, too. You guys will have time to catch up on brotherly things...
Kyle: Yes!!

Kyle's Pov:
It took a while for fat ass to get ready for school, but finally, we headed outside, where Ike instantly ran to hug me.
I smiled as I hugged Ike back.
Kyle: Hey, Ike!!
Ike: I missed you...
He says in his baby voice, and I sighed, smiling.
Kyle: I missed you too, Ike...
Ike: It's not fair how mommy and daddy kicked you out... I miss you back at the house...
Kyle: Yeah, I know...
Eric: Dude, my mom made the best pancakes ever...
I heard him say to Kenny, who was excited.
Kenny: Really??
He nods.
Eric: Yeah. It was SOOOO good... You should've had some...
Kenny: I wish I could... Your mom's the best chef ever!!
Eric: For real, dude!!
Kenny: I wish my mom could afford all that food, though... So, how was the first night? You know... With Kyle at your house...

Eric's Pov:
I sighed.
Eric: It was fine... Until he fucking slapped me to wake me up!!
Kyle: Dude!! I kissed you afterward!!
Eric: I don't care, I'm still mad at you.
Kyle: Ugh... Why do you have to be so difficult...
Just then, Kenny laughs, and the bus pulls up.
We all hop in, taking our seats.
I sit next to Kyle this time.
Stan is sitting next to Ike, and Kenny is forced to sit in a seat next to a stranger kid.
We arrive at the school a while later, with me and Kyle holding hands.
People stared at us.
People were cheering for Kyle, who sighs, waving.
Eric: Wow, dude. People aren't giving Kenny any credit...

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