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Cassius stumbled into his house around midnight after a business trip at Italy. The house was a mess.
Probably from Keefe.

He silently walked to Keefe's room. Keefe would probably be asleep right now. He opened the door. Keefe wasn't in his bed. Or...in his room. At all. He's probably at some party or friends house. Cassius thought.

Blinking his eyes to stay awake, he walked to his office. He had to get some more work done by 2 am.

He sat down and sighed. It was going to be a long night. He stared at the picture of his wife, Gisela. She died a long time ago. But, Cassius had never had the courage to tell Keefe that. So instead, he told him that she went on a trip and never came back.
It was easier that way.

He remembered the day he met her...

~memory time~

Cassius raised his hand slowly.
"Cassius?" The teacher asked.
Cassius stood up and said the answer to the hard math question she had asked the class.
"That is correct. You may sit down now."
"Um...may I go to the bathroom, Ms Davies?" Cassius asked.
Ms Davies gave him permission and he walked out the classroom.
"Ugh. Finally...no more class work." Cassius muttered.
He was not going to the bathroom. He was actually skipping class. All the work was too easy for him.
A noise made him stop in his tracks. It sounded like...crying?
He stole a peek from around the corner.
A girl about his age sat on the floor. She wore a black dress. Her blonde hair flowed down her shoulders.
"Are you...ok?" Cassius asked, coming around the corner completely.
The girl looked up and sniffed.
Cassius sat next to her on the floor. "I'm Cassius."
The girl started sobbing again. Cassius comforted her as best as he could, providing her a shoulder to cry on.
When she had calmed down, he asked, "why are you crying?"
"My...I failed a test. That's all." She showed him the paper. A big F was marked at the top in red marker.
"Hey...it'll be alright. I fail tests all the time! You'd have to be crazy if you aced all your tests!" He joked, earning a laugh out of her.
"Thank you, Cassius."
"What's your name?"

~end of memory time~

Cassius woke up with a start. Franticly, he checked his watch. It was already morning!

Click. The door opened.

"Dad! I'm home!" Keefe called. Cassius frowned. Keefe never called out to tell him he was home. Although...Cassius was never really around. Maybe he just didn't hear him calling out.

Wait...where had Keefe been? He should've been home before. Cassius had given Keefe a strict curfew time. He had to be back at home by midnight, or he's grounded.

"And where exactly did you go?" Cassius asked, then stepped out his office.

A look of terror flashed on Keefe's face, but he recovered quickly.

"I-I was just...at school. Yeah. That's it." Keefe stammered. Cassius could tell it was a complete lie. It wasn't even a school day, and school wouldn't have been over yet!

A small brown and white Jack Russell Terrier puppy bounded between Keefe's legs and barked playfully at Cassius.

Cassius winced. When Gisela and Cassius got married, they had bought a puppy just like that. It brought back...memories.

Keefe...he knew that why Cassius didn't like dogs. It reminded him of the good days. When Gisela was alive. When they were a happy family, with the pure white Jack Russell Terrier puppy called Milo.

"You are grounded. For two months. Now, give me that...monstrosity." Cassius said, eyeing the dog.

"Monty's not a monstrosity! What are going to do to him?!" Keefe picked Monty up protectively.

What will I do to it..? Cassius thought. Well...the neighbours had wanted a dog for a long time. He could give it to them.
But, of course, he couldn't tell Keefe that. It was better to just...let him think.

"Oh, simply...dispose of him. Now, give it to me and go to your room." Cassius said.

"What?! Dispose!? You can't do that!" Keefe cried.

"Keefe. Give. The dog. To me. Now."
It would be better this way. Right?

"I WILL NEVER LET YOU HURT HIM!" Keefe shouted at him.

Cassius's heart broke. He hated what he was doing to his son, but he didn't see any other way...

And of course he wasn't going to kill the dog! Why would he do that?

Keefe turned around and ran out the door.

"Keefe! Come back! I wasn't going to hurt the dog!" Cassius shouted at him.

Ugh. Now he had to track Keefe down, and he was already behind schedule.

Cassius grabbed his car keys and walked calmly out the door.
Where...would Keefe first run off to?

Cassius had...a few ideas.

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