sweet | felixander

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The rain was pouring, no silhouette was to be seen. Only cars driving to go home after a tiring day. Félix was in one of these cables, a taxi. He was observing outside, wishing for some action to be entertained. His phone was dead, he had nothing to do.

The street looked empty and dead as it always does. He hated this city yet was too connected to it. It was the aftermath of new year's day, the celebration had left its mess behind and the party seemed to fade away by the rain, the colors looked sucked.

The traffic was busy, it was moving slowly. He was considering walking home but he didn't want to get soaked to illness by the ongoing rain - i mean he had an umbrella as well however the weather was cold to risk. His family's driver was busy with his father so he had to be stuck in the taxi, with a driver that looked deader than the street.

His attention got caught by the man suffering through the rain, without an umbrella. He recognized the guy immediately and so his eye shifted to his own umbrella - the one he didn't need. The traffic wasn't going to move anywhere soon and this was enough reason to be able to leave the car and hand it.

He asked if it was okay to return quickly after lending the umbrella and got the permission. He left the vehicle and quickly ran after the man yelling his name.

"Oscar, hold up! You're going to get ill!"

The man, Alexander (Oscar) stopped the moment he heard Félix. He was covering his head with his square bag as much as possible but it wasn't helping much, this man didn't even have a coat just a cardigan. He was panting from speed walking and the freezing cold, his pale face was reddish from it.

For a few seconds both just stared at each other but then Alexander came back to his senses. He shook his head then smiled slightly.

"Lovely to see you, Félix. What's the occasion?"

as Alexander was saying, Félix made sure the umbrella was open. He didn't want Alexander to get a cold, though he already seems to be developing one - better to pause it from getting worse.

Then he came closer to button up Alexander's cardigan, how could he be so careless in this weather to have the only useful thing he had on left open? Félix even warned him the other day about the upcoming weather, why didn't he bring an umbrella or at least wear a coat? He sighed at Alexander's careless actions, this man really had to learn how to take care of himself because Félix can't always be there to do it instead.

"I am going home, the opposite direction compared to yours so I have to ask, what's the occasion for you?" replied Félix, sounding irritated but also with a worried soft tone underneath. He scoffed his eyebrows at Alexander which led the guy to cackle at him, what was so funny now?

He realized Alexander was getting even redder, was this man having a reaction as they spoke? He only knew why when he came to notice he still didn't release the cardigan. His eyes opened and he immediately let it go, stepping away as much as possible - he couldn't go far enough since he had to make sure the umbrella was still covering poor Alexander.

He coughed, collecting himself. He was looking at Alexander waiting for a response - he squinted his eyes vexed when Alexander dared to snort and laugh at him.

"Don't have a laugh now! Respond to my question." he yelled and Alexander giggled harder. Félix rolled his eyes, smiling barely that only himself can see. He was holding off because he didn't want to entertain this clown by giving him a heartfelt reaction.

Though he had to admit it was quite funny and Alexander was being cute with his laughter.

Alexander stopped giggling and smiled widely at Félix which kinda, just kinda made Félix feel warm. Just kinda though, don't get weird thoughts!

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