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He had to leave, he had to rush to the toilet – away from everyone. He couldn't stand being there any longer, not with something that big being revealed to him, only him. What'd the other rich say to him? They'd be quick to burn him down, drag him to hell. What about his own father? Would he watch everything or would he stand for him? He didn't have to think hard to know which one was the cruel reality so he took a sharp breath, attempting to walk away.

He threw a quick but also a very creepy glance at the guy, the guy that dared to hold his arm. He just eyed him as he got the question about where he was leaving off to. He had to keep it together and put the face he always did, he just needed to not ruin everything.

The guy was allegedly his old friend, the friend he knew just because their families somehow worked very closely. He knew him since they were children on swings, before neither of them were safe enough to go to a public school and before they had anyone else to play with.

The guy's name was Félix and he wasn't bright. It may seem mean to think so but that was the truth, he wasn't smart. He was a person to lick someone's balls to just be liked, he never really stood on one ground, causing his morals blurry. It was honestly pathetic to watch.

Well there was a straight fact out there too, Félix had a total crush on our lovely narrator here. It was so obvious that you just had to laugh at it, so sad the feelings were never to be returned. How could he think he had a chance with someone so clever, did he think the strings that pull him would be changing into an invisible one tying them? He had to wake up before he was too old to do so.

He was a dumb puppet, a toy you only enjoy when you need to use it. He was a partner in crime but not because he was helpful, no never, he was only a sacrifice.

"Oh, Félix." said, the mystery, as he exhaled a fire: "I needed to use the bathroom, emergency." he replied, making sure to throw a plastic smile as well. He pulled his arm to escape the cage he was held in, he didn't need the response to do that.

Félix shut his hand in a hurtful way, smiling awkwardly back. He bit his tongue before reacting back.

"Ahh, I see. Sorry for stopping you like that. You go."

*You should be sorry, you dimwit. Whatever.* After he heard Félix out (barely), he patted his arm as he walked away from him to the bathroom. He didn't half lie, or he did not lie at all really. He had to use the bathroom and it was an emergency, he just didn't need to use his genitals.

When he got to the bathroom, he shut the door quickly. Although he made sure it wasn't loud, he didn't need people around to be curious fuckers, which they mostly were. He didn't need people to bother him, especially right now. He needed to think, he needed to scheme, he needed to cover and most importantly he needed to change. He couldn't accept this stupid fate, he just couldn't. He knew he might have been a very bad person, he knows that. However he just had to erase those and be sure nobody finds that side of him. He was pretty good at acting like an angel, he won the damn "Person Of The Community" three years in a row in a community full of egoistic monsters who could save half the world if they used their money to help.

Honestly if you think about it, everyone in this building right now were bastards. So why did he have to be one to be outed when he was kind enough to be a prick in secret? He never treated someone horribly openly, he worked through them. He used manipulation and hell he was pretty amazing at that. So why was he getting punished? Why not the 57 year old white man who tortured citizens while being on vacation with his much younger girlfriend? Why the damn 18 year old boy, who had the chance to improve?

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