onyx | prom II

15 0 136

The gymnasium was embellished by the staff, it was purely bewitching. Zackery's eyes shined, he was mesmerized. Their soul eating school was alive for once. He opened his mouth to compliment the decorations. However instead he ended up noticing his boyfriend was nowhere to be seen.

He shut his mouth quickly and his eyes dulled. He sighed and covered his face with one hand – regretting everything. He tried to mute the voices yelling at him in his head and when they slightly got lower, he took the hand off his face. He was going to search where Alexander went.

He played with his hands as he walked awkwardly, he didn't know most of these people. He wasn't that popular around here, he never was. He was a guy who was just there, in a small circle.

He didn't enjoy any crowds so that was fine.

His eyes were searching everywhere like crazy. Even if he couldn't find his boyfriend, he wanted to be around someone he knew. He felt so exposed alone like this.

When did that guy even wander off? He was just right behind him when they got out of the car. Zackery even observed how they didn't hold hands then either. Why did he just run off without telling his boyfriend? Wasn't that kinda rude?

He begged the Lord to not find him anywhere close to Félix. He was too paranoid and if he spotted them together, he'd probably cry in the bathroom.

When he settled he couldn't find Alexander like this, when there are so many people around, he decided to call him. He took out his phone and stared at the lock screen with his boyfriend on it. They looked very happy here, I mean he thought Alexander was happy as well then. What if everything was in his head?

He shook his head to snap out of it, he had to dial the number and learn where his lover was. That's all he had to do.

Before he did that, he wanted to be somewhere with less people so he left to hang around the bathroom. People were just arriving so nobody had to use it,  the outside area was less crowded.

He just stared at his home screen as he walked to the destination. Millions of thoughts were in his head but the loudest one was wishing tonight was going to be better soon and hopefully the best night ever.

He stopped when he got to a corner and proceeded to call Alexander.




No response.




No response.



"You have reached [number]. No one is available to take your call. At the tone, please record your message."

Then a "beep" sound went off.


"Hi, baby. I was wondering where you left this early on. Please text me, thank you."


Exhale. Quite a shaky one.

His phone didn't ring enough to go to voicemail.

That thought flashed in his brain, so brightly. He felt so dizzy, he had to lay on the wall behind him. His heart was beating so fast.

God, he had to see a doctor about that organ.

He started breathing quickly to calm down, he was panicking. He felt like he was choking on his own words that were stuck in his throat. He wanted to tear it up to feel better. He was holding his own hands to stop them from attacking his throat. He wasn't feeling okay. He could have someone else holding them for him but it seems they're busy.

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