seungin - sweet escape

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(seungmin x jeongin)

"Jeongin, I'm telling you again, we might get arrested for this," I warn him for the nth time.

"That's what makes it even more thrilling to run away!" Jeongin exclaims. He was hell bent on getting drinks from the bar we were at although we had no money, let alone a wallet, to pay for them. I'm not sure what convinced him this stupid idea would work, but I wasn't going to back out because I'm a coward. Besides, it's Jeongin. He somehow always manages to get out of shit unnoticed. Or noticed, but he always escapes the consequences.

"Can you get us two glasses of, umm... whatever is good here? I'm in the mood to experiment a little," Jeongin tells the bartender, and the latter nods his head and disappears to the back of the bar. He turns around when he hears the song in the background change into one he likes, and he gets up to dance. I lose sight of him as he slips into the crowd, but I spot him again as his platinum blonde hair shines brightly in the dimly lit room.

A few moments later, the bartender returns with the drinks. They seemed to be of a new variety, something I have never seen before. Spotting the colorful drinks, Jeongin makes his way back to his original seat.

"Minnie, what do you say? Let's down it in one shot, shall we?" He looks at me and gives me a smile, one of those smiles that look mischievous but still make your heart warm. I reciprocate the smile, and we take a love shot.

The cocktail tasted a lot better than I expected, and as much as I wanted a little bit more, I held myself back. I could see Jeongin having the same thought process. Firstly, we didn't know what we were drinking. Secondly, we might have to run out of here if we don't wanna get caught, and if the after-effects of the alcohol start kicking in too soon and slow us down, then we'll probably end up behind bars.

"Hey, could we get two more glasses? This tastes amazing," Jeongin tells the bartender with a charming smile and the latter disappears again.

"What are you doing? I don't know if we can handle it!" I whisper-shout at him. He asks me to calm down, looking like he had it all planned in his head.

"This is our chance to escape. He's gone," he says, pointing at the direction the bartender left to. He really was a cunning little fox.

I know doing all this just for one drink seems like too much, but hey, that's what makes it more fun. You've got to live a little.

He takes my hand and leads us towards the exit at the back, trying to fit in the crowd without looking like we're doing something illegal.

It all seemed like smooth sailing until we slipped out of the back door. We let out a collective sigh of relief as we step outside into the cold, chilly winter air again. At that very second, we hear someone blow a whistle and yell behind us. We turned around to check if they were calling us, and we were proved right.

Around 2-3 security guards dressed in all black attire, along with some other guys in white begin running towards us, and since we already had the upper hand in the chase we begin sprinting in full speed. These guys behind us were no joke though, they were almost twice our sizes.

They were a few metres behind us when we take a sharp turn from one of the buildings to our right side and then split ways. Even though we didn't tell each other where we were going, I knew exactly where he was heading to. Knowing the city like the back of your hand really does have its perks.

I continue running at full speed, taking many lefts and rights without much thought. I didn't  wish to meet those big, beefy men and have my ribs squashed by them.

All throughout the chase they kept blowing the whistle, which honestly seemed a little stupid to me. They were clearly unexperienced. So were we, but I think we're handling our situation much better than they were handling theirs.

After about ten minutes I reach my destination, a narrow alley where the only lights were from neon signs of small tattoo shops. I had taken the longer route since we split ways, but Jeongin was just arriving there the same time I was. We notice that we can no longer hear any whistles or heavy footsteps. 

Jeongin was panting when I saw him enter the alley, and saying that he looked really sexy was a bare minimum way of explaining it. He comes and stands closer in front of me.

"Okay, I'll admit that it was very fun but did you see those guys, though? They were mad big!" I exclaim and he lets out a dry chuckle.

"I know, baby," he says with his charming,  deep voice as he leans against the wall. My heart skips a beat. I don't know if it was because of the way he said it, or because of the (very little) alcohol kicking in too fast, or because of how close his face was to mine, but I was starting to find him insanely attractive.

I look up, only to see that he was already staring at me, biting his lips.

"Oh, for fucks sake," he groans, before he turns to push me against the wall and smash his lips onto mine. I was taken aback for a split second, but I give into him right away.

His right hand cups my jaw as the other snakes around my neck, and one of my hands find its way to his hair and pulls it to the back as we deepen our kiss. We keep going strong for another two minutes, till we are forced to break apart to catch our breath.

Our faces were still very close to each other, in a way I could still feel his minty fresh breath against my skin. With my arms engulfed around Jeongin's neck, we share eye contact once more and chuckle, before going back to devouring each other once again.

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