✨️Monday 3rd June✨️

It had been a few days since the group had came to the decision that Hope was most likely back and all they can do is prepare for the worst. Lila and Jenny walked into school the next day to witness the worlds most shocking thing in existence. Everyone in the hallway stopped and stared at the events on folding in front of their very eyes. On the ground in front of them were Felix and Jimin fighting. Lila looked at the scene with wide as while Jenny just walked up to the two and kicked them. Both boys looked up to see who had kicked them. Once they saw Jenny's face they both froze.

"Now will you two tell me why on earth are you fighting", Jenny said at the two boys. Everyone around the fight quickly left the scene. After everyone left the area Jenny took both Felix and Jimin to the Student Council room to have a little chat with them and the other council members. "Since you two think it would be a good idea to fight I want you to explain to everyone why you were fighting and then after that I want you to go to the principals office," Jenny said to the boys. Well the reason both Felix and Jimin were fight was because of a rumor they heard about one another. Both boys don't like each other very much and their haltered for each other only fueled more when the rumors came out. Now Namjoon saw that as a stupid reason for fighting and the rest of the council members deemed them as idiotic and shameful. You see The student council members may be the most basic bitches of all in that school but they have the knowledge to know everything about everyone down to their deepest darkest secret. They are the type of people to bully you and then pretend to be your friend a week later. The members of the council also does not like people very much and they are all well revered people. One thing about these members is that they doesn't like it when people think that they rule the school or are trying to be better than them.

After their little talk, Felix and Jimin were each given five days of detention, where they will be cleaning the vents and bathrooms of the school from top to bottom. "This is all your fault," Jimin said to Felix as they walked to the detention room. Felix looked offended, "Excuse me if you didn't start this stupid rumor about me," Felix said as he opened the detention room door to be met with the worst teacher ever. This teacher was Mrs. Smith. The boys entered the room and didn't say a word to Mrs. Smith. Mrs. Smith looked at the two boys and motioned them to sit. Both Jimin and Felix did as they were told and sat down.

Later that day Felix and Jimin were seen cleaning the vents with a look of pure disgust on their face while Monica and David monitored them. After that the two boys finished cleaning the vents they quickly moved on to the bathrooms of the school. By the end of the day both Felix and Jimin were both done cleaning the bathrooms, they quickly went to the student council office to sign out and then they left the school building and went to the dorms.

✨️Time Skip✨️

In the School of NCT (National Creativity Techniques), Jenny, Lila, Jin, Namjoon, Yeonjun, Catherine, David, Keisha and Monica, were the Student Council members and they take their jobs very seriously. Namjoon is the President while Jenny is the Vice President and Lila is the Secretary. We also have Jin as the Committee, Catherine as the Historian, David as the Media Officer and lastly Monica as the Treasurer and Keisha as the Community Representative. (Ps I don't know how many members are in a student Council). Each and everyone in the Student Council knows the rules and what are to be followed when becoming a member of the council. 

This school is famous for it's atheletes, drama, musicians, artisits, gaming and educational clubs and many more. For the atheletes we have the cheerleaders, football players, netball and basketball players, swimmers and many more. And just like the other clubs Gaming and the Educational Clubs fall into the who or what are in these groups.

✨️Time skip✨️

Hope sat in a dark cave watching the groups through a crystal ball. She had been in this cave for about 2hours and the only reason she can see the group is bc Jenny forgot to limit her powers. Hope continued to look at the group, trying to come up with a plan to destroy them once and for all.


(Honestly this story is going out of control. I forgot the plot and now I'm just writing out of pure imagination. I don't know what to do with this story no more, give me ideas or something bc I'm running out of them. Anyways enjoy this crappy chapter and have a good day, night or afternoon)

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