Chapter 6

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Seconds, minutes, hours, and days have passed ever since your encounter with your 'friends' and you have been avoiding them. You can always be seen inside the house of the Qin Prince, Ying Zheng.

The Zhao People start spreading rumors as to why you were always around Ying Zheng. Some say it's because you were threatened.

They say, 'The little girl must have been threatened to stay with that Qin Prince! It's impossible that such a bright and bubbly girl will suddenly befriend that Brat.'

Some rumors says, 'she must have been deceived by that Qin Prince, poor naive child'

And while some people say, 'The little girl must be a traitor'

You were aware of those rumors but never once did you pay attention to those, you actually did because it enraged you that they keep making Ying Zheng bad in those rumors, Chun Yan is also of course mad, her two children is being the topic of bad rumors, Ying Zheng would always stop you both though. Ying Zheng just wants a peaceful life with you and Chun Yan.

You were on your way to Ying Zheng's house you see a lot of people, there was a theater play. The actors and actress looks good in their choice of clothing. What caught your attention is the actress, you have eyes for clothing too, but you love how swift the actress moves.

The actress is wearing a light and airy robe made of seemingly a cotton and silk, it features a loose-fitting design that lets the actress move freely and comfortably, it have simple and practical embroidery. The actress move swiftly, her right leg moves up to kick the actor in front of her and the actor moves back, acting like he was hit by the kick the actress send him but you notice the gap. The actor unnoticeably pinch something on the stomach part of his clothing and some red liquids came out coloring red his once blue robe.

You were in so much amazement even if it was only an act, not by the clothing anymore but the way the actress move. You heard some whispers from the crowd watching the act.

'That actress was rumored to be a former martial art genius' the person beside you whispers to the friend of his beside him. Fortunately you heard his whispers and that amaze you so much.

You did not even notice the time, you continue to watch the act in amazement. The thought crossing your mind was...

'Will Ying'er be amaze if I learn martial arts too?' The thought that cross your mind confuse you, 'huh? Why would I want Ying'er to be amazed by me?' You blush thinking why.

You shake off those thought and also hit your chest, where the heart resides.

'Stupid heart, why are you beating so fast?' You mumble underneath your breath and proceed to run to Ying Zheng's house.

You arrive and force a smile on your face because of the annoying guards in front of you again.

"Good morning manly bodyguards" you greeted them and they stare at your little form.

"You are late today, we thought that you got tired of the prince." The guard on the right said, your smile twitch because how could you ever get tired of Ying Zheng's adorable face?

"No, I was just watching a theater act earlier" you replied trying to calm your tone, and pinches your side so you could speak in a more childish tone.

"Whatever, just go inside" the guard on the left said and you eagerly run inside. You did not see anyone, Not Ying Zheng Or Chun Yan.

You thought that maybe they are inside so you immediately run inside the house.

"GOOD MORNING YING'ER" you screamed on the top of your lungs, you come running towards the little friend of yours who is also slightly taller than you. You hug him tightly nuzzling your cheeks against his.

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