Chapter 7

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Chun Yan, Ying Zheng, and you are currently taking a walk in the market, finding the ingredients you all will need in cooking the food you all will eat later.

You have been thinking about something for a while. It is something important that requires you to think about it thoroughly since you don't want to hurt Ying Zheng.

"Lady Chun Yan?" You called out to Chun Yan and she quickly turned to look at you.

"What is N/N?" She asks in a gentle tone.

"I want to show Ying'er somewhere and also introduce him to someone." You replied, quite a little nervous.

Chun Yan looks at you for a while, you can't read her expression. You panic and wave your hands in front of you aggressively, making you cringe because you bet you look like a fool right now.

"D-don't worry Chun Yan and Ying'er! M-my fath— the person I will introduce to Ying'er is not bad! A-and" you panicked but you heard a laughter from Chun Yan while Zheng-Zheng held your hand as if saying that he's alright with coming with you.

Chun Yan stops laughing "we trust you N/N" Chun Yan pinches your cheeks gently "I know you would not and will never put Ying Zheng in any danger." Chun Yan smiles gently and lets go of your cheeks.

"Just come back to the house alright? I want to eat dinner with you and Ying Zheng." Chun Yan said and waves you and Ying Zheng Goodbye.

"S-so shall we go now, Ying'er?" You ask Ying Zheng, making sure that he's alright with coming with you to the place you want to bring him.

Ying Zheng blushes as you pull him to go to the place you want to bring him.

While walking you could not help but blush.

'Ying'er is so close...' you thought.

'Wait... we always do this often... so why does it make me feel flustered?' You thought to yourself.

While In Ying Zheng's mind... let's just say it's not very different from yours...

'N/N's hand is really warm...' Ying Zheng thought 'I would love to hold her hand like this forever...'

Two little Children are flustered, one is confused by her innocent feelings towards her dear best friend, while the other is slowly and surely will soon know what he feels towards the little girl.

'Maybe a puppy love as they say?' Either way it's just an innocent feeling that all children might have... maybe it might develop into innocent yet dangerous feelings? Something that causes fire within the heart?

As You and Ying Zheng continue to walk you turn around to face him.

"Ying Zheng?" You called out to him while he was in his own thoughts, those thoughts being how warm your hands are even if they are slightly smaller than his. Only a little, not so excessively small.

"Y-yes?" Ying Zheng cursed himself when he suddenly flinched away from your hand. The curse being like:

'Ying Zheng, Why are you so dumb? Why would you let go of N/N's hand?' Ying Zheng internally thought.

"Oh? Did I scare you?" You worriedly ask him. In which he replied by shaking his head aggressively that you got more worried, he might get a massive headache or worse injure his head if he keeps shaking his head so hard.

"Ying'er! Calm your head down!" You whisper-yelled at him.

Ying Zheng immediately stops shaking his head, his cheeks turning hot with too much blood rushing towards his whole face.

"L-let's go?" Ying Zheng shyly speaks.

"Yes o-of course." Both you and Ying Zheng continue your path.

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