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Next morning jimin woke up but didn't found yoongi beside him
"Where he has gone?"
Jimin didn't found yoongi he pout but he hear the bathroom door open and saw yoongi came out wiping his hair
"Good morning"
"Good.. morning"
"Wake up fast we already little late for office"
"Wh..what time is it?"
Jimin jerk up from the bed he take his towel,push yoongi and went inside the bathroom yoongi chuckles he take out his clothes which were came early in the morning wore it and kept jimin clothes too

He goes downstairs and make breakfast jimin came out he saw clothes were already on the bed he smile on the thought surely yoongi kept it he wore it and came downstairs he smell the aroma of food
"Yum what he is making?"
Jimin peek in the kitchen and saw yoongi cooking chocolate pancakes and making strawberry juice
Yoongi shouted jimin stand behind him yoongi turn and got shocked
"Wow u were fast"
Jimin saw how much yoongi is sweating he gave him handkerchief
"What is this for?"
"Wipe ur sweat"

Yoongi smile he take the handkerchief they both did the breakfast silently stealing glances at eachother after they Breakfast yoongi went to car
"Come lets go"
"Yoongi we shouldn't"
"Why is that?"
"Don't u think we should hide our relationship from the employees"
"Why aren't u comfortable"
Jimin look at yoongi with a disbelief expression
"Ar.. aren't U uncomfortable?"
"No ofcourse not why will I? Let's go we are getting late"
Yoongi sat on car
Jimin's pov
Did he really accept me as his husband?? I never think yoongi will tell this i thought there will a typical story where u can't tell anyone about ur relationship and have to make distance,go seperately and blah blah I never thought yoongi will kept it open why yoongi why are u such a gentleman?"
Jimin's pov end

"Min jimin are u coming or not?"
"Oh..yeah yeah coming"
Jimin smile at himself he sat with yoongi and they both drove away
They reached to the building yoongi came following by jimin
"Morning Mr min"
Sumi yoongi's ex secretary greeted him
"Sumi what are u doing here didn't I kick u out"
"Sir please give me another chance please"
Sumi hold yoongi's hand jimin see it and gritted his teeth
Yoongi remove her hand
"Sumi i already appointed someone "
"Please sir"
"Huhh okay u can work as a employee then"
"Thank u soo much sir"
Sumi hug yoongi jimin loose his patience and seperate them

"I am so sorry miss sumi but mr min doesn't like skinships and u are clearly making him uncomfortable so please side and let us go right mr min"
Jimin gave yoongi a death glare who smirk seeing his jealous husband
Yoongi's pov
Oh god my jealous baby so much jealously he look very cute through don't worry min jimin I am always urs I have fallen in love with u just waiting when u will fall in love with me
"Abb yeah jimin let's go sumi u can go tell Jennie she will show u ur table"
Jimin literally drag me from her I love jealous jimin so much we went to lift when the door closed jimin hold my ear ouch!
"Hey hey what are doing"
"What am I doing who is she?? How dare she hug u like this hmm"
He said in angry voice his chubby cheeks were red in anger how cute I somehow release myself from him

"Jimin stop being jealous she is my ex secretary nothing else"
"Ahm..ahm who said I was jealous i..I wasn't"
Jimin look away why he is so cute god i just smile seeing him soon we reached to our floor when the door opened I meet a bone crushing hug
"How are u yoongi baby"
Shit what he is doing here????
Yoongi's pov end

That's it
I hope u love this Little Big chapter so I have decided which ff I will post but it will be a suprise when we will hit 100 followers then I will reveal it 😁
Vote target - 12

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