finally confessed

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Next morning

Yoongi woke up with a slight headache
"Ah my head damn it's paining"
Yoongi groaned and sit on bed
"What happened last night?"
He remembered about last night his eyes went wide
"What I have done...I have forced him...I ruined his innocence aghhh yoongi can't u fucking control urself god what I have done he will hate me now"
Yoongi got anxious he saw jimin coming with a tray of food
"Hyung u woke up good morning here I have made breakfast without ruining the kitchen and here headache tablets"
Jimin said with a smile but his smile disappeared seeing tears in yoongi's eyes
"Hyung what happen?"

Jimin put the tray on table and sat beside yoongi he cup his cheeks
"Hyungie what happen"
Yoongi suddenly hug jimin tightly jimin was shocked he hug him back and pat his back
"Why are u crying hyungie?"
"I am sorry jimina"
"Why hyungie"
Yoongi broke the hug
"I *sob* am sorry *sob* i forced *sob* u"
"Forced me in What hyung"
"I am sorry I forced u yesterday night i shouldn't do those things i should control myself u still was not ready I did it with u I am such a bad person I am such a bad---"
Jimin put finger on yoongi's lips

"Don't say like this u are the best husband I have ever got hyung I am not angry we are husband hyungs u are tied in a pure bond we have full rights on each other don't say that u forced me I was ready to loose myself on u hyung afterall I love u"
Yoongi look at jimin with shocked expression
"Yes hyung I love u i love u so much I know it was a forced marriage but I fall for u hyung u are just a gentle man hyung I never thought I will get love from u ur cares, Pampers and kindness make me realise how much i love u "
Jimin said all this while looking at yoongi's eyes
"I love u too jiminie"
"Really hyung"
"Yeah jimina I have fall for u too the first day of our marriage I can't loose u jimina please don't leave me ever"
Jimin hug him tightly and mumbled "never hyung never"

The day went sweetly for the lovely dovey couple this was taehyung's plan to make yoonmin realise they love and make them confess each other yoongi thought to take jimin on a date their first date
"Jimina we are going somewhere tonight"
"Where hyung?"
"U will get to know get ready at 7 okay"
"Okay hyung"

That's it
Only one chapter left
Vote target - 11

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