suggestion for new ff

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Hey angels actually I want to ask u something I will starting a new ff but I couldn't decide which type of ff should I start I have three different ff storyline

1. His never ending sufferings
Storyline - jimin a depressed boy gets abused by his stepmom and dad yoongi a mafia king who loves jimin's stepsister but on wedding she ran away and blame it to jimin that he supports her yoongi misunderstood it and marries jimin to revenge of his sister now can jimin prove he is innocent or he have to suffer more
Gener - smut,angst, mention of abuse,rape,blood

2. Reborn
Storyline - a story where jimin and yoongi love eachother but some bad circumstances they died without completing their love after 20 years they were reborn as strangers but they feel connection to each other now will they able to complete their love or it will be incomplete again
Gener - fantasy,smut,romance,fluff

3. Obsession towards officer park
Storyline - jimin never wants to be a officer but his father forced to be a police officer jimin is not at all like a police officer he is scared of blood,guns,dead bodies but his father never sees that jimin is sensitive and can be scared easily but what will happen when the psycho killer agust d encounter with him and got highly obsessed with the boy
Gener - blood,little fluff,psycho,mention of torture

This are the three ff now u angels tell me which should I write 🥺

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