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Two days later
In those two days yoongi took a great care of jimin
Jimin's leg has healed very much he can walk now but he still want yoongi to carry him and yoongi always did
jimin was watching tv and yoongi was doing work from home jimin's phone ringed it was yoongi's mom
"Hello eomma how are u?"
"I am fine jimin baby why u didn't call me after marriage don't u love me?"
"I am sorry eomma I forget I was busy"
"It's okay baby where is yoongi?"
"Here right beside me"
Jimin handed the phone to yoongi
"Hello eomma"
"Don't call me that u don't love ur eomma any more isn't?"
"I am soo sorry eomma I was very busy tell me how are u?"
"I am okay baby how's ur love life going"
"Good eomma"
"Are u taking care of jimin"

"Yes eomma ofcourse"
"Hm okay actually today we have a party in jeon's house today taehyung and jungkook came back"
"Oh great when it is?"
"Around 9 u and jimin have to come to"
"Okay eomma we will surely come"
"Okay bye son take care of jimin too"
"U too take care eomma I love u"
"Love u too son"
Mrs min cut the call yoongi gave the phone to jimin
"Today we have party at jeon's house as ur lovely bear and my naughty bunny has came back"
Jimin said in excitement
"Yeah we have to get ready at 9 okay"
"Okay but I don't have any party wear"
"Oh shall we go to shopping"
"No there's no need why always u have to waste ur money leave it"
Jimin said

Yoongi lean his face close to jimin
"If I have to waste my money on u then I can do it everytime without hesitation cause my money is ur money to understand min jimin"
Jimin's face become flustered yoongi kiss his cheeks
"So shall we go?"
Jimin nodded yoongi stand up jimin made grabby hands yoongi smile and pick him up and sat on car and drove to do shopping
Jimin can't select what he should wear yoongi was helping him
"Jimin's go and try this"
"U sure hyung?"
"Yeah go and try"
Jimin take the outfit and went to changing room he came out wearing it yoongi was awestruck

Yoongi lean his face close to jimin "If I have to waste my money on u then I can do it everytime without hesitation cause my money is ur money to understand min jimin" Jimin's face become flustered yoongi kiss his cheeks "So shall we go?" Jimin no...

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"Hyung how is it?"
"U look amazing"
"Thank u hyung"
They buy the outfit
"Hyung try this na"
"What why?"
"Hyung pleaseeee"
"Okay okay"
Yoongi took the outfit and went inside changing room
He came out jimin was shocked
"Wowww hyung u look too handsome let's buy this pleaseeee".
"Okay baby"

After their shopping jimin's eyes fall on plushie shop

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After their shopping jimin's eyes fall on plushie shop

After their shopping jimin's eyes fall on plushie shop

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"Hyung can we

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"Hyung can we...."
"Let's go"
Jimin rush yoongi smile and shake his head he follows jimin
Jimin took a koya,rj,shooky,mang,chimmy,tata and cooky plushie
"So much baby"
"Pwease hyungiee"
Jimin show his puppy eyes yoongi ruffled his hairs and buy that
They happily went home
Skip to 8:55
"Jiminie come fast"
"Coming hyunggg"
Yoongi was waiting for jimin he saw jimin came down looking eternal yoongi was lost in him
"Hyungiee how am I looking??"
"Beautiful baby"
"U are looking handsome too"
"Shall we go"
The both sat on car and drove to jeon's

Double update enjoy😉

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