make love (smut)

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They reached both yoonmin came out
"Hold my hand jimin u might get lost"
Yoongi extended his hand jimin hold it they both share a smile to eachother and went inside
Jimin was finding taehyung finally he founded
Jimin leave yoongi's hand and runs to taehyung they both did a hug yoongi smile and came to them he got crushed by jungkook's hug
"Hyung I miss u"
"Yeah yeah kook me to leave me now"
Vmin broke the hug
"How are u taetae"
"I am fine jimin u tell me how are u?"
"Too good"

"Btw taehyung my.. husband yoongi"
both taekook said in unison
"Hyung u are married u didn't told me"
"It's a long story jungkook"
"We will hear it"
Yoonmin tell the whole story to taekook Mrs jeon called them
"Taehyung jungkook come won't u give the good news"
"Yes eomma"
"What is it taetae"
"U will get to know jimin"
"Taehyung blushed yoongi look at jungkook in confusion
Both taekook came in stage
"Ladies and gentlemen we are hear to announce that soon their will be someone he/she who will take care of jeon corporation in future"
All clapped knowing it they get to know taehyung is pregnant jimin still didn't understand
"Hyungie what is it??"
"Baby taehyung is pregnant with a baby"
"How can taetae have a baby in his stomach"
"Ohh my innocent baby jungkook have done it"
"U will know soon baby"
Jimin pouted taekook came to yoonmin yoongi and jungkook were talking jimin took taehyung in a corner

"Jimin what happen"
"Taetae did u eat baby?"
"NO why are u asking this?"
"If u don't how come there is a baby inside ur stomach"
"Jimin don't tell me u never make love with yoongi"
"What make love?? Is it a part of marriage"
"Yes jimin it is"
"How should I tell yoongi?"
"Hmm oh I have a plan"
"What is it?"
"Let's put viagra on yoongi's drink"
"What's that"
"It a kind of medicine which I put in jungkook's drink also and then u can see the results u should try it too"
"Will it affect yoongi in a harm way?"
"No jimin it wasn't let do it"
Taehyung put viagra on yoongi's drink and tell one waiter to give to yoongi

"Sir drink"
"Thank u"
Yoongi take it and drink it after sometime he feels his body heat up
"Hyung u okay?"
" kook i suddenly feel my body heat up"
" it viagra?"
"Ahh I think so"
Yoongi's body started to sweat
"Call jimin and go home he can help u"
"Jungkook jimin is very innocent he doe..doesn't know this things"
"Hyung atleast go home taehyung jimin"
Both vmin came jimin become worried seeing yoongi like this
"Hyungie what happen "
"Nothing baby let's go home"
"Okay bye taetae bye kookie"
Yoonmin drove home yoongi's member become painful soon they reached home jimin carried yoongi to bed
"Hyungie u okay"

Yoongi feeling his lust taking over him when jimin open his jacket
" will u help ur hyung"
Yoongi ask his lust took over him jimin nodded innocently
"Baby will u make love with hyung i promise it won't hurt"
"Okay hyung I can do anything for u"
Yoongi pulled jimin who Landed on matress yoongi came on top of him
"Baby u trust me right"
"Always hyung I can't see u in pain i will do anything"

Yoongi kiss his forehead and trace his kisses to jimin lips he attached his rough lips to jimin's plump ones kissing him gently he broke the kiss and give love bites to his neck jimin close his eyes feeling pleasure yoongi open his shirt and kiss his chest he take his one nipple in his mouth and suck a little jimin moaned yoongi did the same with other one he open his clothes Fully naked he open jimin's pants and boxers also
"When it hurts tell me okay"
Jimin nodded still closing his eyes
Yoongi slowly put his tip inside jimin's tight hole jimin scream a little he hold yoongi's shoulder tightly
"Hyung..hyungie hu..hurt"
"Shh baby it will go away soon"
Yoongi slowly put his whole member inside him jimin let out a painful moan yoongi let him adjust
"Can I move?"
Yoongi give slow thrust jimin moaned in pleasure
"Fa..faster please"
"As u wish baby"
Yoongi fasten his pace like this they spend the night making love and become two body one soul

That's it
I hope u survived after reading my crying smut I am not really good in writing it and I hope u love this story
Sand to say it's gonna end soon maybe by 30th April
Vote target - 12

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