new secretary

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Next morning

Jimin woke up at 8 am he fastly did his morning chores and wear formal clothes for his interview

He looked at time it was 8:30 by now Jimin - oh I am going to be late run jimin Jimin said to himself and runs he gets in the taxi and drove to the min corporation Soon he reaches it was 8:45 jimin run and enter the company he goes to the receptio...

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He looked at time it was 8:30 by now
Jimin - oh I am going to be late run jimin
Jimin said to himself and runs he gets in the taxi and drove to the min corporation
Soon he reaches it was 8:45 jimin run and enter the company he goes to the reception
Jimin - good morning miss
Receptionist - yes how can u help u sir?
Jimin - actually I think I have a interview today my name is park jimin
Receptionist - okay sir please wait let me see.......oh yeah park jimin u have interview with mr min isn't?
Jimin - yeah
Receptionist - sir go to floor 8th mr min's cabin is there only
Jimin - thank u so much miss
Receptionist - ur welcome

Jimin take the lift he entered and with him another person entered
?? - hello good morning are u new here?
Jimin - ye..yeah I am park jimin
?? - I am Kim namjoon wait u are here for interview isn't?
Jimin - u know
Namjoon - I am yoongi's buisness patner and his best friend
They both reached to the floor
Jimin - it a pleasure to meet u mr Kim
Namjoon - come jimin just call me hyung no need to be formal
Jimin - okay i should go bye
Namjoon - bye jimin all the best
Namjoon went away

Jimin took a deep breath he was standing infront of yoongi's cabin he knocked the door
?? - come in mr park
Jimin was shocked how yoongi knows it's him he entered and saw yoongi working on laptop with a straight face looking hot

Jimin took a deep breath he was standing infront of yoongi's cabin he knocked the door ?? - come in mr park Jimin was shocked how yoongi knows it's him he entered and saw yoongi working on laptop with a straight face looking hot

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Jimin was just staring at him
Yoongi - are u going take whole day staring at me mr park *smirk*
Jimin came out of his thoughts he feels embarrassed
Jimin - i..I am sorry sir
Yoongi - it's okay please have a seat
Jimin sat they started the interview and 40 mins it's finally over
Yoongi - I like ur hard working self and ur responsibilities towards ur work mr park I am impressed from tomorrow u will be my secretary u will prepare my coffee,u will look after files and prepare my routine sheet clear?
Jimin - okay sir
Yoongi - congratulations u are selected
*Forward his hand for handshake*
Jimin - thank u so much mr min
*Shakes hands with him*
Both feel like an electric current passes through them when they hands hold eachother

They both remove their hands
Yoongi - u can work from tomorrow mr park
Jimin - thank u so much mr min i promise I will give my best
Jimin smile and went yoongi rested his head on the chair
Yoongi - he is pretty cute my duckling
Yoongi smile and continue his work
On jimin's side
Jimin - he is not that bad or rude my cold scary cat
Jimin smile to himself
Both were smiling to themselves not realizing they reffer each other as 'MY'

That's it
Vote target - 11

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