marriage of taekook

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All were busy in the preparation of wedding it gonna held after 2 weeks right now taehyung,jimin,jungkook,Mrs min,Mrs jeon and mrs Kim will be meeting in mall for buying yoongi don't want to come but jungkook force him to come same goes to vmin

Mrs Kim - where are there?
Taehyung - don't worry eomma they are coming i called jungkook they said they will here anytime
Jimin was silent he was observing the mall he never came to such big mall
Taehyung - they there are
Taehyung called them
Jimin gaze fall on Mrs min and yoongi they wide their eyes
Jimin - aunty
Mrs min - jimin
Yoongi - u know each other
Mrs min - yeah yoongi he is the boy whome I met
Jungkook - woah it's such a coincidence

Mrs jeon - okay okay enough talk let's go
They went jimin gulp he was thinking something
Mrs min - what happen jimin?
Jimin - i..I am sorry Mrs min I didn't knew this cold scary-- I mean mr yoongi is ur son
Yoongi - wait!!! U call me cat again and infront of my mom uuu duckling
Mrs min - aish u both and ur nicknames god it's okay jimin btw u told right he is really a cold scary cat
Yoongi - eommaaa *whined*
Mrs min - what I said right
Jimin giggles seeing their interactions

All were busy in shopping Mrs min and jimin become very close in somedays only and yoongi seemed like to love their interactions after they done with the shopping they head back to their home

Skip to 2 weeks (I can't wait for yoonmin marriage)

Today the day finally came taehyung was getting ready he was super nervous jimin came inside
Jimin - taetae u okay?
Taehyung - yeah jimin I am just little nervous
Jimin - but wae?? U shouldn't be I know everything will goes well
Taehyung - aww thank u so much jimina
Jimin - taetae i don't want to spoil or mood b..but u will come and meet me na?? *Sad voice*
Taehyung - jimin why are u talking like this ofcourse I am not leaving u *worried*
Jimin - i know I will miss u a lot taetae everything won't be same after ur marriage *sad pout*
Taehyung - oho my little mochi everything will be same don't worry come give ur soulmate a hug

They both hugged each other Mrs Kim came their
Mrs Kim - yeah u both come everyone is waiting for u
Taehyung - okay eomma let's go jimin
They both went
Taehyung saw jungkook standing on stage waiting for him he went to stage jimin stand with Mrs Kim the priest Started the prayers
Priest - do u jeon jungkook take Kim taehyung as ur lawful husband
Jungkook - I do *bunny smile*
Priest - do u Kim taehyung take jeon jungkook as ur lawful husband
Taehyung - I do *boxy smile*
Priest - i announce u both as lawful husband u may kiss the bride

Jungkook pulled taehyung and peck his lips everyone clapped for them soon the wedding ended
Jimin - aunty I should go now it's already late
Mrs Kim - jiminie u should stay tonight it's already very late
Jimin - it's okay aunty I will be fine after returning home I will call u
Mrs Kim - okay son take care of urself

Jimin went he was walking alone the road was empty he took an alley to reach home fast it was a bit dark jimin gulp
Jimin - it's okay jimin everything is alright nothing will happen to u *in mind*
He was walking while holding his phone tightly he hear some footsteps but he didn't move back he kept walking until he was pulled with a jerk and his front hit the wall he was about to scream but a hand cover his mouth
?? - don't u scream pretty boy it's won't go good *husky voice*
Jimin stood there froze he feels the guy's other hand went to his waist he can strongly smell alcohol jimin feels the guy breath on his neck

Guy - such a sweet smell u have babyboy
He remove him hand from his mouth
Guy - tell me ur rate baby for one night
Jimin - rate?? One night?? What's that *innocently*
(Our chim is too innocent to understand this dirty things)
Guy - tsk such a innocent person u are
The guy slide his hand under jimin's shirt
Jimin - ple..please leave me i have to go home
Guy - why so early baby it's only starting
Jimin - please...*tears form in his eyes*
Guy - shut up boy
The guy was about to open his pants just then a dominant voice came

That's it
Vote target - 8
I will be taking a break for 2 or 3 days don't worry ur author will meet u again after that i just want to have some peace
Take care of urself angels I love u

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