Stuck in the Friend Zone: Tengolf

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During the TPOT season, the 'ARE YOU OKAY' team members, Pen, Eraser, and Tennis Ball, lounged around a picnic table, engaged in casual conversation under the warm sun. With no challenge scheduled for the day, they took the opportunity to unwind and enjoy some leisure time before Two summoned them for the next challenge.

Tennis Ball was venting to his friends about his unrequited feelings for Golf Ball, expressing frustration over his struggle to confess despite his deep admiration for her. Golf Ball's focus on science and work, along with her busy schedule, made it challenging for Tennis Ball to connect with her romantically. His attempts at flirting and compliments often went unnoticed or misunderstood by Golf Ball, adding to his struggle to express his affection.

Feeling at a loss for what to do, Tennis Ball turned to his friends Pen and Eraser for advice on how to express his feelings to Golf Ball. Despite their lack of expertise in matters of women, Tennis Ball hoped that even a small suggestion from them might provide some guidance in his pursuit of his dear crush... Golf Ball.

"I've tried everything, guys," Tennis Ball lamented with a sigh. "But nothing seems to be getting through to her..."

Eraser shook his head with a determined expression. "You've been going about it all wrong, bro. You need to be smooth and crafty—girls dig that stuff."

"Yeah, totally! Maybe you need to think outside the box, like... how about a secret love letter? Yeah! Pour your heart out on paper, slip it onto her desk anonymously. Golf Ball loves a challenge! That's gotta do the trick!" Pen suggested eagerly.

"Dude, Pen's onto something there! It's simple yet effective!" Eraser chimed in.

Despite his doubts, Tennis Ball found himself considering the idea. "I suppose... But what on earth would I even write?" he wondered aloud.

"You know, just express your feelings for her, whatever comes to mind! Hang tight, I'll grab some paper and a pencil," Eraser said as he left the picnic table. Five minutes later, he returned with the necessary supplies, including an envelope.

"Just write down whatever romantic thoughts you have, buddy! Then we'll sneak it into her lab," Eraser suggested.

Tennis Ball looked worried. "But I think she's down there..." he voiced his concern.

"Don't worry! I'll distract her!" Pen assured Tennis Ball.

Tennis Ball sighed, resigned to giving it a try if his friends were convinced it would work. He poured his heart onto the page, leaving it unsigned. Keeping the back of the envelope blank.

Meanwhile, Pen set off to execute phase two: distracting Golf Ball. He made his way to her laboratory, knocking loudly on the metal door until Golf Ball reluctantly opened it, casting him a disapproving look.

"What do you want, Pen? I'm busy!" Golf Ball snapped as she opened the door to her laboratory.

Thinking quickly, Pen improvised, "Oh, uh, I thought I spotted a new plant species near the hotel! Thought you might be interested, being a scientist and all. Come on, I'll show you!" he said with a smile.

Grumbling, Golf Ball reluctantly stepped outside, leaving the door unlocked. "Fine, but let's make it quick," she conceded as she followed Pen up the metal stairs. Pen gave Eraser and Tennis Ball a thumbs-up as they reached the top.

With phase three underway, Eraser and Tennis Ball dashed to the laboratory. They ran the first flight of stairs until they were at the metal door. Once there Eraser held the door open while Tennis Ball hurried down the stairs to Golf Ball's invention bench, where he carefully placed the letter. They quickly returned to the picnic table, their mission accomplished.

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