Grape Flavour - 1: Flowerpop

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It was one of those typical days where there were no reality shows or contests to fret over, just a simple, serene break. Flower found herself leaning casually against a tree outside, perusing through the pages of a fashion magazine she had picked up. With each turn of the page, she found herself gathering inspiration for her next line of designs. It was clear in her mind: this collection would be just as dazzling and enchanting as her previous creations, brimming with sparkles and glitter. Basking in the gentle warmth of the sun on her petals, she couldn't help but hum contentedly to herself. It was a peaceful moment, a rare opportunity for solitude amidst the hustle and bustle. For Flower, who had been caught up in the whirlwind of life lately, this quiet moment was a chance to simply be.

She thought her afternoon would be a quiet one with just her and her fashion magazine, but as luck would have it, her solitude was interrupted by the captivating and flirtatious Lollipop passing by. With her graceful demeanour and a purple parasol held high, Lollipop exuded an irresistible allure. Flower couldn't help but be enchanted by her beauty—the way she glistened in the sunlight and carried herself with such elegance. Though Flower admired her from afar, she dared not confess her admiration to Lollipop, fearing it might feed into her already inflated sense of superiority. Instead, Flower kept her thoughts to herself and quietly admired from a distance.

Her magazine lay forgotten in her lap as her gaze remained fixed on Lollipop. Without her knowledge, a subtle blush tinged her cheeks, betraying the stirrings of admiration within her. Flower couldn't help but compare herself to the beauty of Lollipop, a comparison that often left her grappling with her own insecurities. Questions nagged at her mind: Was she too large? Too tall? Too slender? Were her petals the right shape and size? She yearned to exude the effortless perfection that seemed to come naturally to Lollipop. It pained her to hear the cruel whispers of others branding her as ugly, while Lollipop remained untouched by such criticisms. Why couldn't she possess Lollipop's effortless allure and flawlessness? All Flower desired was to effortlessly embody the same ideal of beauty that seemed to effortlessly define Lollipop's existence.

Flower hadn't noticed how long she had been staring until it became evident to Lollipop that Flower was staring at her. Lollipop raised her brow and put a hand to her hip, stopping in her tracks she turned fully to look at Flower.

"Something the matter, Flower?" Lollipop's voice, though relaxed, carried a subtle undertone of intimidation.

Flustered and cheeks ablaze, Flower let out a squeak of embarrassment. She had been caught red-handed, and panic set in.

"N-No!" Flower stammered hastily, her heart racing with embarrassment and anxiety.

Lollipop could read Flower so easily. It took everything in her not to smirk. Instead she shrugged calmly.

"Well then, you don't mind if I join you, do you? My poor arms are growing weary from holding this parasol. I'd much rather enjoy the shade under that tree with you," she remarked with a smile.

Flower, feeling somewhat cornered, clutched her magazine awkwardly, unable to muster any objections as Lollipop settled herself beside her, placing her parasol nearby before relaxing against the tree trunk.

"What are you reading?" Lollipop inquired, leaning in to peer over Flower's shoulder.

"None of your bee's wax, Lolly!" Flower snapped at her and hid her magazine away from Lollipop. She did not say Lollipop could sit with her! How dare she just assume such a thing!

Lollipop crossed her arms and rolled her eyes at Flower. This was typical behaviour for the plant, it was not surprising to Lollipop even in the slightest.

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