Challenges: Penraser

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Eraser and Pen are growing bored of waiting for Two to start the next challenge, so they start giving each other mini challenges until eventually these challenges turn more personal.

Pen and Eraser make out, but it isn't gay!

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During the downtime between challenges, contestants often find themselves struggling with boredom while waiting for Two to cook up another competition. Eraser and Pen, in particular, were sitting idly at a picnic table, racking their brains for something entertaining to pass the time. Last week, they had a blast playing wingmen for Tennis Ball, helping him confess his feelings to Golf Ball. That adventure kept them busy for quite a while! However, now that Tennis Ball and Golf Ball are officially dating, their wingman services are no longer needed, leaving them back at square one, trying to come up with a new way to amuse themselves while they await the next challenge.

Pen hummed as he tapped his fingers on the table, brainstorming ideas while Eraser slouched with his hand on his cheek, looking utterly bored.

"We haven't had a challenge in a while... this is so boring!" Eraser complained.

Pen sighed. He hated seeing his bro so bored and wanted to help him pass the time. "Is there anything I can do to entertain you? Maybe we could create our own challenge?" Pen suggested, tilting his head.

Eraser raised an eyebrow, looking at Pen with curiosity. "Like what?" he asked.

"Well... we could take turns giving each other little mini-challenges. That way, we won't get bored!" Pen proposed, feeling confident about his idea.

Eraser smirked and shrugged. "Heh, I'm in! I'll go first!"

He looked around for an idea, realising how challenging it was to come up with something on the spot. Now he kind of understood how Two must feel crafting challenges. His gaze landed on a nearby tree, sparking an idea.

"I challenge you to climb that tree and backflip off it!" Eraser exclaimed, pointing at the tree.

Pen laughed, sliding off the bench and cracking his knuckles. "Too easy!"

After a few quick warm-up jumps, Pen sprinted toward the tree. He ran up the trunk, executed a perfect backflip, and landed on his feet with his hands in the air. "Ta-da!" he cheered.

Eraser clapped, genuinely impressed. He hadn't expected Pen to be that skilled.

"Wow, good job! That was more impressive than I imagined. Alright, your turn. Give me a challenge!"

Pen's cheeks flushed a light blue at Eraser's praise, feeling a warm glow from the compliment.

"Yeah bro! I'm the parkour king!" Pen bragged with a bright smile. "Okay, your turn! Let's see..."

Pen glanced around, then lit up with an idea.

"Ooh, got it! I challenge you to do 15 push-ups in one minute!"

Eraser laughed, slipping off the bench and stretching his arms behind his back. Did Pen take him for some kind of wimp?

"That's all? I can do that easily!" Eraser bragged as he got down on the ground and started doing push-ups, looking unfazed as if it were nothing.

Pen watched with admiration for his best friend, amazed by Eraser's strength. He always knew Eraser was strong-stronger than him, at least-but seeing him in action was thrilling. He couldn't look away. Pen shifted down onto the picnic table, continuing to admire his bro.

"Damn, you're strong!" He glanced at his watch, eager to see how many push-ups Eraser could complete in a minute.

"Heh, of course I am," Eraser bragged as he continued doing push-ups. "How much time do I have left?" he asked curiously.

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