Truth Serum: Fantube

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Fan is Test Tube's willing test subject for all experiments, eagerly sitting and trying out any concoction or invention she offers him. Whether it's a random liquid she has cooked up or a new invention, Fan is always the first to give it a go and offer his review. He is the most loyal test subject anyone could ever ask for.

It was another day of testing new things, and Test Tube and Fan were already in her secret lab. The green-filled vial was bubbling with something new today as she mixed chemicals behind her workbench. Fan sat idly on the inflatable couch they had in the lab, his phone in hand as he wrote reviews for a recent restaurant he visited, humming away as he did his thing, allowing his best friend to do hers. He tried not to interfere when she was in her groove. Some days, Fan does help out and acts as Test Tube's special lab partner, but today he was merely a test subject waiting for his turn. It didn't bother him what role he played, as long as he got to spend time with his best friend, Test Tube.

Test Tube was on the verge of completing her latest invention: a truth serum of her own creation. She devised it as a potential advantage for any future reality show competitions, enabling her to slip it into the drinks of fellow contestants, compelling them to speak only the truth. However, before she could utilise it in any real scenario, she needed to ensure its effectiveness. And who better to test it on than her closest friend, Fan? After all, he never keeps secrets from her, so she reasoned it wouldn't be an invasion of privacy. To maintain the integrity of her tests, Test Tube couldn't divulge the nature of the serum to Fan; his ignorance was crucial to ensuring unbiased results. Despite this, she believed it shouldn't be considered an intrusion into Fan's privacy, given their status as best friends who share everything-or so Test Tube thought.

"It's ready!" Test Tube cheered, holding up the small potion-like bottle. The liquid inside was a gloomy purple, with a few bubbles bubbling within.

Fan perked up, setting his phone down as he smiled over at Test Tube. "Ohhh, what is it?" he asked curiously.

"Can't tell you that! It could impact the results!" she replied with a wide grin.

Fan paused for a moment, considering her explanation. It seemed reasonable enough. Though he felt a tad nervous about consuming something unknown, he trusted Test Tube wholeheartedly. As long as it wasn't poison, he was game.

"Can't argue with statistics! Pass it over!" he said with an eager smile.

Test Tube pulled out a stool for Fan to sit on, already equipped with a list of questions ranging from basic to deeply personal. She needed to ensure the serum worked effectively, so she prepared a variety of inquiries.

"Come sit!" she exclaimed, patting the stool.

Fan complied, walking over and plopping onto the seat. He swung his legs back and forth, humming a tune. Test Tube handed him the bottle and stepped back, grabbing a notepad and pen.

The bottle was small, just a single shot-enough for Fan's needs. Any more might lead to a bad trip.

 Any more might lead to a bad trip

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