Meditate With Me: SilverCandle

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OJ graciously offered new contestants a stay at Hotel OJ once the season concluded. However, it proved challenging for newcomers to blend in with the established cast who were already familiar with each other. Despite introductions, Candle and Silver Spoon, as new arrivals, felt like outsiders among the well-connected group. While they did have some ties with the old cast, returning to Hotel OJ highlighted the disparity between them and the others. Nonetheless, they found comfort in each other's company and enjoyed spending time with Yin Yang. It often felt like Candle and Silver assumed a guardian role towards Yin Yang, forming a tight bond akin to a family.

Since the season's end, Silver and Candle had been sharing a room together. Typically, the rooms accommodated two beds, but Yin and Yang insisted on staying with Candle. Thus, they found themselves in a room for three, a bit tight with three beds but manageable nonetheless.

As the late afternoon wore on, the atmosphere at Hotel OJ was lively, with both new and old contestants enjoying games hosted by OJ himself. It was a refreshing break from the intensity of the competition. However, Silver began to feel a sense of disconnection, perhaps because he sensed a lack of interaction directed towards him, or maybe he simply felt overlooked. When he saw Candle engaging with other contestants, a pang of jealousy swept over him. He knew he couldn't always keep Candle's attention, yet the fear of being abandoned gnawed at him. Without a word, Silver quietly slipped away from the group during one of the games, his departure going unnoticed by everyone except Candle, who immediately sensed his absence.

"Yin Yang... do you know where Silver is?" Candle softly whispered to her friend.

Yin Yang turned back to notice Silver was missing.

"No– where'd he go?"

"He probably got jealous that you weren't paying any attention to him, that big baby!"

"Hey! Be nice, You know how it feels to feel left out."

Candle put a hand to her cheek and thought...

"No, Yang is right... I think I did make him jealous." Candle sighed. "He has been struggling to get along with the others." She stated. Without another word more the purple candle stepped up and exited the room.

Yin Yang frowned widely when Candle got up, they scrambled to their feet and quickly raced after her.

"Wait for us!"

They walk down the hallway to where the different rooms were, Candle had a feeling that Silver would've gone back to the room to have some alone time. She was slightly worried about Yin Yang coming along, something told her that Silver wouldn't want to open up around Yin Yang... they can be a little bit of a loud mouth sometimes, Silver does not want his feelings being teased by Yang or having his feelings spilled to everybody else.

Candle stopped before entering the room, she swiftly turned around to Yin Yang and placed a hand on their shoulder.

"I think this is a job for just me... why don't you both go back and play some more games, I promise not to take long." She smiled gently.

Yin Yang frowned, crossing their arms.

"Do we have too?"

"Please?" She asked calmly.

Yin Yang sighed, Yang slightly annoyed and Yin upset.


Candle sighed and smiled lovingly at them.

"Thank you Yin Yang... remember if you feel alone, you both have each other, I will be back soon, I promise." She moved back and turned to the door.

Yin Yang huffed and walked off.

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