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"WHY DO YOU WORK FOR THE SSR?" Daniel asked, as he and Sera carefully examined the contents of the crates. "They all just treat you like a secretary."

"Because I know my worth," Sera replied. "And if I can use my job to help people, then that's what I'm going to do. Plus, it's given me a great opportunity to sharpen up my right hook."

"Yeah, I can tell," Daniel replied. "That was a nice punch."

"Thank you," Sera said, smiling. "If you want, you can take this win for yourself."

"Why would I do that?" Daniel asked. "You were the one that got the call, and the one that insisted we let you come."

"Well, the boys at the office don't exactly trust me right now," Sera shrugged. "And they could spin this all around and put it on me."

"How so?"

"You really don't think they'd use the fact that I got the call to pin this on me? That I somehow orchestrated this entire thing? I may be a genius, Agent Sousa, but I would never go this far," Sera said. "Honestly, the incapability of the male species to truly think things through never fails to astound me."

"Why do you overthink things?" Daniel asked. "You helped find these, Stark. That's more than most of the other guys have done."

"Yeah, because I want to help prove my brother's innocence," Sera replied. "And I overthink things because if I always keep my expectations low then I'm either proven right or pleasantly surprised. Either of those options are better than disappointment."

"That's extremely pessimistic," Daniel said.

"Welcome to my life."

Eventually, the chief arrived with a truck and Howard's inventions were loaded onto the vehicle. Sera watched the men carry the crates with a watchful eye, reminding them at every moment that should those crates be damaged in any way, they might all end up dead.

It wasn't until Jack Thompson showed up that Sera's night took a turn for the worse. He walked up to her and smirked. "I hear you're the one responsible for this."

"I don't think responsible is entirely appropriate," Sera replied. "All I did was answer the phone."

"Still, you could have kept this to yourself," Jack said. "Why didn't you?"

"Why does everyone ask me that?" Sera asked. "Unlike some, I refuse to let personal feelings interfere with my work."

"Haven't you been practically campaigning Stark's innocence since this all started?" Jack asked. "I'm surprised you haven't strung banners in the bullpen."

"I trust my brother," Sera replied. "But when people are calling in tips like this, why would I ignore it? These weapons are- Hey!" she shouted at one of the men, who nearly dropped one of the crates while loading it onto the truck. "You know that thing will most likely blow your face off if you damage it, right?"

"These weapons are what?" Jack prompted.

"Dangerous," Sera finished, turning back to him. "And I don't want them on the streets any more than any of you do."

"Alright, well, I need to talk to the chief," Jack said. "You should head home."

"You expect me to walk back to my apartment in the middle of the night?" Sera asked. "Is that any way to treat a lady, Agent Thompson?"

"I'm sure you'd be fine," he said, but he sighed. "Alright, we'll drop you off."

The two of them headed over to the chief, who asked, "Who's our new helpful friend?"

WALKING DISASTERS | Jack ThompsonWhere stories live. Discover now