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"OH MY GOD!" Sera shouted, covering her eyes with her hand. "Why the hell are you naked?"

Howard stopped swimming and looked over at his sister, treading water in his pool. "Hey, it's not my fault you missed the warning."

"You have guests," Sera said. "Jesus Christ, Howard, have a little dignity."

"Dignity is for people who aren't millionaires," Howard replied.

Sera scoffed. "Isn't that the truth?"

She stumbled inside after using her hand to feel for the door, only uncovering her eyes when she was safely inside and away from her very name brother. She had been at Jack's that night, but had returned to Howard's house to pack her things. She was heading back to New York with Jack and Peggy later that morning, and as she finished packing the last of her belongings, she looked down at the engagement ring on her hand and smiled.

When she and Peggy headed out to the front, Jarvis pulled up with Ana in the car with him. Placing down their suitcases, Peggy and Sera rushed to greet Ana.

"Welcome home," Peggy said. "We're so glad we didn't miss you."

"Miss Carter," Ana said. "Miss Stark. You were going to leave without saying goodbye? Where are your manners?"

"Well, I..."

"Raised in a barn," Jarvis said. "My granny would say."

"Um, I... we didn't want to bother you," Sera said. "And, um... well, I... I thought perhaps you might... might not want to see me. Ana, I'm so sorry."

Ana pulled Peggy and Sera into a hug. "I am home, and I am safe, and I'm with a man who I adore, who is in one piece."

"Mr Jarvis is a lucky man," Peggy smiled.

"I am indeed," Jarvis replied. "I'll just get Mrs Jarvis settled, then I'll be happy to take you both wherever you need to go."

"Oh, that won't be necessary," Peggy said. "I've already rung for a taxi. It'll be here any moment."

"Oh," Jarvis said. "Yes, I see."

"But truly, you should stay here with your wife," Peggy said. "We'll be fine."

"No, of course it is," Jarvis said. "Fine, fine."

"I beg you, allow him to take you," Ana said. "We shall never hear the end of it."

"Alright, well, I mean, I suppose I-"


"Splendid!" Jarvis was out of the house again before Ana even finished calling his name. "I'll get your bags."

Jarvis took them both to the SSR and retrieved Peggy's bags from the trunk for her. Sera remained in the car, because Jarvis would be taking her on to Jack's hotel, where she had arranged to meet him before they both got a taxi to the airport.

After bidding Peggy farewell, Jarvis got back into the car and started the engine. He turned to Sera. "Where am I taking you, Miss Stark?"

"Jack's hotel, please," Sera replied, leaning back in the seat. "You know, I've really enjoyed solving crimes and kicking ass with you, Ed. Promise you'll keep in touch?"

"Of course," he replied. "I shall be checking in on occasion to see if you have any more adventures in store."

Sera smiled nervously, thinking about the file Jack recovered from Vernon's briefcase and the mystery of the Arena Club key. "Yes, I'm sure we'll never be short of things to do."

"It has been a pleasure assisting you, Miss Stark," Jarvis said, as he pulled up outside Jack's hotel.

"It's been a pleasure having your company," Sera told him, getting out of the car.

Jarvis got her bags for her and then placed them down on the sidewalk. "Don't be a stranger, Miss Stark."

"Wouldn't dream of it, Ed," she replied, smiling as she reached up to hug Jarvis. "You're not just a butler, Ed. You're one of my best friends, and if Howard gives you any grief, you let me know and I'll be on the next flight back here to kick his sorry arse from here to next week."

"As amusing as that would be, I can handle Mr Stark," Jarvis said. "Although it would be nice if you could visit us whenever you can. Ana would love someone new to teach her recipes to."

Sera's face fell. "Ed, I'm so sorry about what happened to Ana."

"You have nothing to apologise for," Jarvis replied. "It was not your fault and both Ana and myself are well aware of that."

"Still, I feel so guilty-"

"Don't do this to yourself, Miss Stark," Jarvis said, squeezing her shoulder comfortingly. "You have so much good to look forward to in your life. Don't let this get you down."

Sera smiled. "I am sorry."

"If you apologise one more time I'm afraid I'm going to have to take your luggage so you miss your flight," Jarvis said.

Sera laughed. "Alright, alright. I'm glad Ana is okay, and I'm glad Whitney Frost got what she deserved."

"As am I," Jarvis replied. "Goodbye, Miss Stark. It's been a pleasure, as always."

"Goodbye, Mr Jarvis," Sera said sadly, hugging him one last time. "Don't go forgetting about me."

"Impossible," Jarvis replied. "Although I have one last thing."

"Yes?" Sera asked.

"Please don't ever call me Mr Jarvis again," he said. "It sounds strange coming from your mouth, Miss Stark."

Sera grinned. "Noted, Ed. And please, call me Sera if you want to."

"I believe it would sound strange for me to call you anything but Miss Stark," Jarvis said.

"Yes, you're probably right," Sera said, before she made a shooing motion with her hands. "Now go on, go home to your wife. That's where you're supposed to be."

"And you are going home to where you're supposed to be," Jarvis said. "My highest congratulations on your engagement, Miss Stark. I look forward to the wedding invitation."

"I'll send it first class as soon as we set a date," Sera promised, stepping back as Jarvis got back into the car and started the engine.

She watched until the car was out of sight, and then she sighed, picking up her bags and heading into Jack's hotel. Peggy was going to meet them at the airport after she finished talking to Daniel at the SSR, and Sera prayed that when she next saw Peggy, there was a flustered smile on her face that gave everything away.

As she headed up the stairs to Jack's apartment, she didn't realise just what would await her when she got there. He didn't realise it either, and as he spoke to Sousa on the phone, who let him know that Peggy wasn't going to be returning to New York with them after deciding to take more vacation, there came a knock on his hotel room door.

"I'm coming! Alright, that's either Sera coming to drag me out of here or they're throwing me out," Jack replied. "I got to go," putting the phone down, Jack went to the door. "I'm leaving. Just give me a second."

Sera reached the last flight of stairs, and as she was walking up, she bumped into a gentleman making his way down. She spun from the force of their collision and began to apologise. "I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was go-"

The man didn't even stop, heading down the stairs with a familiar file being tucked away in his jacket not quick enough for Sera to miss it. Her eyes widened and her suitcases fell from her hands, thudding back down the stairs as she sprinted the rest of the way to Jack's hotel room.

"Jack!" she shouted, running along the hallway. "Jack! Jack!"

She practically slammed into the doorframe trying to stop herself, and she was glad that she did because in that moment, when she finally witnessed what was waiting for her, she had to lean against the door as her legs threatened to give way.

Jack was lying on the floor of the hotel room, a pool of blood getting larger as she watched, and Sera felt her heart drop into her stomach so hard that it shattered.

"Jack!" she cried, rushing towards him and kneeling down beside him. She cradled his head in her lap, tears falling down her face as she screamed, "Somebody help me! I need an ambulance, please! Somebody help me!"

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