a party full of useless people

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A/N finally new chapter

Hope Y'all enjoy

"Why is no one coming.... I'm sure to make the requirements as good as possible"

*Need party for hard quest!
Join my party and we will kick the demon king general ass.
No requirements*

'i think that's good enough'

'heh you think that enough un worthy human'

'thats good enough you know. And what do you think your smarter than me sword's even don't have brain'

'shut up'

'wait someone's coming. Is that the lil arch wizard'

She walks by Y/N

'what the'

Y/N see's the lil arch wizard go to the other people behind him

"I see your requirement poster on the board"

"So you what you want to join"

"Yes. my name is megumin the number one arch wizard in the crimson village"

'im just Gona leave'

Y/N walked to the receptionist and beg to Luna

"Come on Luna Chan. Please I beg you just this once"

"Ugh fine but don't call me Luna Chan"

"Thank you Luna after this I'll take one durian quest"

At the castle

"Soo... How do I investigate"

"Hah stupid owner"

"Shut up.... Hey stupid sword do you know how to investigate"

"Just look at the instructions idiot "

"Wait there's a instruction?!"

"Yes the paper that the replacement gives you"

"Okay let me see"

*Instruction: get the monster type the demon king general is. And don't die. Get the information of their plan and don't die.get the weak Ness of their army And get the number of the army . And most importantly Don't die *

'why is there so much don't die. Is this quest that hard'

Y/N began to explore and found no enemy's

'huh this is strange'

Y/N keep exploring untill Y/N heard some thing

"So the plan is going to the capital with other general and undead knight in front with other general an-"

"Someone is there it might be an intruder!"

'shit. Now I know why we need 4 party. I better get out of here'

The demon king army chased Y/N untill they stop in fear

'why did they stop?'

Y/N got shivers on his spine and senses a dark aura that is really strong. Y/N turn back to see a head less knight

'im doomed'

"hey are you the intruder pipsqueak you seem to be weak. Oh are you on a mission pipsqueak. Well your mission is now done you don't need to go back to home now because I'm sure you don't need to if your head is gon-"

"Wel Wel Wel if it's not the weak dullahan beldia "

"Huh?. Who are you"


the tale of a Hero that use cursed sword (konosuba x male reader) Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now