a new world a new life

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A/N I forgot to add *text* this is for a note or mail and "hellois for any talking object



every one started to stare at Y/N

"oh sorry sorry "

'damn that was Embarrassing'

'so I'll need to see if there's a guild here because that's all the start of an adventure in anime and games'

"Umm sorry miss is there an adventure guild anywhere here"

"Oh the adventure guild is right at the center of this town"

"Thank you miss"

At the adventure guild

"Hahaahahhahah so funny "

I heard many people talking inside the guild

'i think this is it. should I make a good entry'

'nah I'll embarrassed my self'


"Excuse me where do I register?"

"Oh at that pretty lady over there"

"Oh thank y-"

" Hey young man where are you from"

"Oh I glad that you asked I'm from a far land named C/N where the people used to use sword as their primary weapon"

'damn my cunny acts'

"Hohoho good one young man I see a potential in your soul"


"Yes I will say that you got some nice  Muscle "

"Okay thanks"

"Excuse me Id like to register as an adventure"

"Oh okay then just pay the registration fee"

'oh shit'

I put my hands in my pocket and found a letter and coin pouch

*This is starter money have a nice day

By eris*

'thank you eris sama'

"That will be enoughn just put your hands on top of the blue manalite

I put my hand on top of my hand and the manalite started to shine bright blue

"Let me see. Oh your luck is the lowest possible and your intelligent is  slightly above Average but all your stats is Way way way above average even more than that last arch priest like 2 times more"


"what class will you pick?"

"Is there's a class that uses sword and magic?"

"Yes there is it's called supreme warrior "

"Sweet I'll be that"

every one is cheering for Y/N

"If you need help don't mind asking the guild member"

After the crowd began to go away I asked the receptionist some thing

"Excuse me what is your name?"

"My name is Luna the guild receptionist how may I help you?"

"I'll like to get a quest that's for beginners please "

the tale of a Hero that use cursed sword (konosuba x male reader) Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now