Wiz the lich and a ghost mansion

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A/N I just got a fever that's from a mosquito and my doctor said I'll be good for a week soo I will rest for like 10 may yea thats not long because i got this thing for 2 may


"Soo Y/N you got you self a part-time time job"

"Yes I did"

"And what is your part-time job"

"I'm at umm let's say it is a secret"

"Why though"

"I don't i don't want you to see me at work"

"Okay... Have you tell kazuma darkness or aqua"

"No of course. Oh yea by the way my salary is 1M eris per month"

"One-one milion"

"Yea that's cool right"


"nope ain't telling ya"

'shessh my talk is similar to Chris now'

Y/N and megumin is on their way to the town after a daily explosion trip

"Megumin stop shaking me"

"You must tell me where are you working"

"It's at a... Cafe yea a cafe named cafe blessing I marked it with my teleport"

Note: teleport mark doesn't have limit but it has one time per use but if it marked as some tools it will not disappear but instead drain alot of the user mana like 100% to 80% but for
Y/N it's special because instead of
draining his mana it will instead drain karma's mana.

Y/N drop megumin at the guild and goes to a certain magic shop

"Hey Wiz I want to buy some paper"

"Ah Y/N San I need to thank you for saving me again"


The group is searching for a zombie maker

"Hey when are we going home it's already dark and I want to eat"

"Y/N this quest is worth alot"

"But how long are we Gona wait"

"I don't know a day maybe"

"Food I need food"

"Just eat this apple"

"It's not enough"

"Shut up"

"Kazuma do you think I can use my explosion magic here"


"Kazuma if I kill it can I have 90% of the reward"

"Since when your capable of doing that"

"Kazuma if you need a human shield I can be y-"

"The zombie maker it's here"

"Wait aqua don't run!"

"Take this zombie maker"

"Hey isn't that Wiz the lich..."

"You know him!!!!"4X

"Of course she is the one who saved me from a high heat and she teaches me ice magic too"

"I-- is that you Y/N"

End of flashback

"No problem Wiz"

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