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MELANIE was a dancer, but she by no means enjoyed working out.

And she made it known when Steve pushed her, encouraging her self-defense skills.

"We'll always try to protect you, Mel," he said gently as she took a sip of water. "But we might not always be here. You have to learn to fight because you're important to us. If someone finds that out — they'll come for you."

Melanie scowled, throwing her hands against his padding. He offered a sad smile.

"Mel, work with me here," he sighed. "It's for your own good."

"I'm mad at you," Melanie pouted. "I'm supposed to spending time with Nat today and—"

"Nat said she'd rather you're unhappy and safe than happy and dead."

Melanie groaned. "I hate logic!"

Steve laughed at her antics, shaking his head. "Come on, kid, hit me again."

Melanie didn't seek out Loki again, very content with her blossoming relationship with Natasha.

So it was a complete surprise when his brother knocked on her door, Loki standing beside him, looking incredibly unhappy to do so.

"Oh," Melanie smiled, waving to them both cheerfully. "Hi, Thor!" She greeted. "Afternoon, Loki. Did you guys want some snacks? I'm watching Supernatural again."

"We've no need for food, you insolent—"

Thor elbowed his brother and smiled kindly to Melanie. "I'd love to join you in your natural super watch, but I have a meeting with Stark at this time. Perhaps you and my brother could bond?"

Melanie blinked in surprise, giving Loki a wide-eyed look. Loki rolled his eyes as if to say 'I haven't a choice in the matter' but Thor grabbed her attention again with a blinding smile.

"Please, little Melanie, I ask humbly that you keep my brother company—"

"—I don't need a babysitter, brother—"

"—As he has been isolating himself lately," Thor continued as if Loki hadn't spoken. "And I think you could encourage good behavior."

"I don't know," Melanie frowned a bit, concern crossing her face. "I did lie to Steve three days ago that I got sick so I could skip out on the self-defense lesson. I don't want to encourage bad habits."

Loki sighed heavily, closing his eyes and Thor tapped her head.

"You'll be just fine, little Melanie," he pat his brother on the back, sending him into the room, before bidding them both adieu and walking away.

Melanie closed the door behind Loki.

"So...this is my room," Melanie waved her hands to show it off.

When he asked her to be the Avengers Chef, Tony winked and designed her room exactly as she wanted.

Pale blue walls, sticky stars to the ceiling, a television on a white dresser, two matching nightstands at her bedside. A Lord of the Rings themed picture above her bed — subtle, but still understood as a reference — and a place for her plushies.

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