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MELANIE looked over the dessert with a pout, tossing the knife in the sink with an angry grunt.

Stupid plum pudding.

Stupid multiple days to make.

Stupid recipes.

Stupid plums.

"What'd the sink do to you?"

Melanie looked up, face softening when Natasha took a seat at the barstool over the counter.

"It was there," Melanie pouted a bit, leaning over the counter and pushing the ruined dessert aside. "I can't do this stupid pudding. It was Lucy's favorite and I never mastered it."

Natasha's head tilted a fraction. "Lucy was the woman who took you in?"

Melanie nodded. "Sort of," she nodded. "My grandpa raised me, but he was working all the time growing up. He was paying my mom's medical bills even after her death, pretty much until I graduated."

Natasha shook her head, eyes sympathetic. "I'm sorry," she frowned. "That's terrible."

Melanie shrugged. "It's okay, it was hard on us but...we got through it. Lucy taught me that everything happens for a reason."

"You believe that?" Natasha asked gently, eyes searching Melanie's.

Melanie shrugged. "I have to," she grabbed a fork and took a bite of the plum pudding, then spat it into a napkin. "Oh, man, that is terrible!"

Natasha laughed at her expression, shaking her head. "I'll take it since your dessert failed — you might be hungry?"

Melanie's eyebrows furrowed together. "It's almost one in the morning," she remarked. "Where are we s'posed to go?"

Natasha stood and gestured for Melanie to come around the counter. Tentatively, Melanie walked out and took Natasha's outstretched hand.

Sparks pulsed up Melanie's hand, and she blushed at the impact. Spurred on by her blush, Natasha stopped her from walking, spinning her a bit to face her.

"Look at you," she moved her hand to Melanie's face, tilting her chin up a bit. "This blush for me?"

Melanie nodded breathlessly, heart thudding against her chest at Natasha's words and touch.

"Yes," she replied softly.

"Good," Natasha smirked a bit, squeezing her hand before dropping the one from Melanie's face. "There's a great dessert place five blocks down, you okay with a walk?"

Melanie nodded immediately. "Yes."

"Good girl," Natasha pulled Melanie from the dining room, leading her to the front door, grabbing Melanie's boots from the door. "On," she told the blonde, "do you need a coat?"

Melanie thought for a moment, and during her thought, Natasha slipped off her hoodie, handing it to her. "Here, wear mine."

Melanie nodded, zipping her boots on over her leggings and then zipping up the hoodie. "Where are we going?"

"Ever had an ice cream donut?"

Melanie's eyes lit up as Natasha closed the door, asking JARVIS to call her if anything happened.

(Melanie liked JARVIS, the artificial intelligence Tony Stark created to monitor daily activities and ensure securities. JARVIS had a great taste in music and laughed at Melanie's jokes when no one was home.)

Stuffing her hands in Natasha's pockets, the wind nipped at her hair and Melanie smiled into the hoodie, breathing in Natasha's scent. An overwhelming scent of smoke and gunpowder hit Melanie's senses, and she was briefly reminded of the fact that Natasha smoked cigarettes when she was stressed.

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