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NIGHTMARES didn't escape Melanie as she laid her down each night.

For seven consecutive nights, she woke up screaming or crying — and on the fourth morning after a particularly intense nightmare, she puked — and there was little anyone could do to console her.

It wasn't like they didn't try. Each Avenger seemed to take responsibility for her nightmares, blaming themselves for her issues.

As if it were them that frightened her.

But the rings under her eyes and jump at loud noises said it all.

Natasha felt the worst.

She hadn't seen Melanie since her return back to the Tower, and Steve said she blamed herself. Melanie texted her multiple times but recieved no response.

She didn't blame her girlfriend, though. Steve said she had more trauma than anyone in the tower and the idea of her soulmate enduring it — as Melanie wouldn't confess what her actual nightmares were about (mostly because she hadn't a clue where they'd come from or what they meant) — sent her spiraling.

Clint took on responsibilities of cooking. That sent Melanie into a whirlwind; her one purpose at the compound entirely diminished if Clint could cook.

Tony was the one to stop her crying, promising that she was everyone's favorite person — and if she ever brought it up again, he'd deny it to the grave — and the Avengers wouldn't be the same without her.

But with each smile came another tremor.

By the eighth night, Melanie was scared to sleep. Hands curled around a mug of hot coffee with a scary movie on to keep her adrenaline pumped, she jumped when someone appeared next to her.

"Why haven't you slept?"

Melanie glared at Loki, too exhausted to maintain niceties. "What?" She asked, grabbing a tissue and cleaning the spilled coffee from her shirt. She grumbled in irritation but he waved his hand and the mess dissipated. Her eyes widened in surprise. "Did you do that?"

"No, it was your stuffed unicorn."

"Sarcasm is only funny if you're good at it."

"And the kitten has claws," he observed her for a moment. "You look terrible."

Melanie rolled her eyes. "You look terrible," she countered, then shrank a bit. "You look handsome as always," she amended. "I'm sorry for being mean."

"Why must you do that?" He questioned, eyes narrowed.

"What?" Melanie asked with a frown.

Loki sighed in annoyance. "Be so...apologetic. About your own feelings. If you'd like to be crass with me, be my guest. Everyone else is."

"I don't want to be," Melanie informed him. "I want to be your friend."

"I don't have friends."

"Maybe we could start?" She suggested.

He eyed her for a moment. "You need sleep. You're delirious."

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