Chapter five

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Lucifer watched as Lilith left the tower, and soon got an idea. He ran up to the closet and hesitently pulled away the chair, hidding behind it. He took deep breaths, before walking over to the closet. "Okay...." He place his hands on the handles and opened the door, but moved out of the way so Alastor's body doesn't fall on him. It took a few seconds, but soon, Alastor's body fell on the floor, face hitting the floor first (ouch). Lucifer walked closer to the body, pan in hand, confused by this. "Was he sleeping?" Lucifer thought.

Lucifer looks around and spots some rope, which he picks up. He then goes to the body, picks it up and places it on the chair, then tying the body down on the chair with the rope. He then closes all windows, except the roof window, which lights up the middle part of the room. He pushes the chair up to the middle and backs away, hiding in the darkness in the columns. Keekee then walks up to the body, and slaps his face with her paw multiple times, but seeing as this does not work, she climbs up to his head and plays with Alastor's deer ears, which woke him up and he shook the cat off him.

Surprised, he looked around, checking for his surroundings. He sees that he's tied up and panics, trying to get himself free. He spot a trail of red feathers, which lead towards the darkness. "Is.... are these.. feathers?" He asks himself. Eventually, he saw a short male figure with what appeared to be wings, up in the columns. "Stru-.. struggling is pointless." The male said, out of breath. "Huh?" Alastor couldn't get a good look at him due to the sun hitting his eyes. Lucifde eventually made his way down to the floor, but stayed hidden in the darkness.

Alastor, confused, squinted his eyes to try and see better. Lucifer still remained hidden as he spoke up. "I know why you're here and.. I'm not afraid of you." Lucifer said. Alastor was more confused then ever. Finally, Lucifer stepped out of the light, revealing himself. "Who are you? And how did you find me?" Alastor scanned every detail of him, perfect porcelain skin, red dimples, blonde hair, the red and white wings, which was un-normal for a 'normal' angel, curvy short body, and red and white clothes (kidding its the purple rapunzel dress). "Aha..." Alastor said, caught off guard by the wings. "..Who are you?... And how did you find me?.." Lucifer repeated once again, rising his pan, preparing to attack if anything were to happen.

Alastor just sat there, looking like he was admiring the angel. He came back to his senses, and smiled wider. "Well my dear angel! I know not who you are, nor how I came to find you! Haha! But! May I just say... Salutations!~" Alastor said, giving him a goofy smirk-grin. Lucifer just looked at him confused, and slightly disgusted. "How may you be doing? The name's Alastor Altruist! (Not his actual second name I know what altruist means, but its for the plot, as Flynn Rider isnt Eugenes real name, yk?) Pleasure to be meeting you, quite a pleasure!~" Alastor said in a cheery tone, still grinning. "How may your day be going fellow angel?~" He said once again. Lucifer looked around, very confused.

"Ugh! Who else knows my location, Alastor Altruist?" Lucifer asked, trying to sound threatening while pointing his pan at Alastor. "Alright shorty-~" Alastor said but was cut off. "Lucifer." Lucifer glared, as Alastor just grinned. "Gesundheit. Here's the deal. I was in a situation, swinging through the forest. I came across your tower.. and...~" Alastor said as he slowly realized something. "Fuck.. oh. Oh no! Where is my satchel!?" The deer started to panic. "I've hidden it. Somewhere you'll never find it!" Lucifer said proudly. Alastor looked around as his eyes crossed a suspicious looking pot. "It's in that pot, isn't it?~" Alastor said, pointing at it. Lucifer looked at it and then at Alastor. With his pan, he smacked Alastor in the face, knocking him out.


Alastor groaned as he looked around while waking up once again. He then felt someone playing with his ears. He looked up and saw Keekee messing up his deer ears with her claws. He screamed a bi tas he shook her off. "Would you stop that?!" He then shook his ears fixing them as he looked at Lucifer. "NOW it's hidden where you'll never find it!" He informed. Alastor groaned, annoyed. "So, what to do you want with my wings? To cut them off?" Alastor looked at him surprised. "Ahah..~ What?" He said, sounding confused.

"Do you... want to sell them!?" Lucifer said as he place the pan right in front of Alastor's face. "No! Listen!.. The only thing I want to do right know is for you to untie me!! Literally!!~" Alastor said, trying to clear up this misunderstanding. "You-... Wait. You don't want my wings?.." Lucifer responded, letting his guard down at ease. "Why on Hell would I want you wings?!" He asked ironically. "Look, I was being chased, I saw a tower, I climbed it. End of story!~" Alastor confirmed. Lucifer lowered his pan. "You-.. you're telling the truth?" Lucifer asked, confused again. "Yes.~" Alastor basically said in relief. "Hmm." Keekee then climbed onto Lucifer's shoulder and walked on his arm, facing Alastor. She didn't believe him in the slightest. She hissed and backed away. Alastor just looked at her flabbergasted.

Lucifer and Keekee walked away from him, and started discussing some stuff. "I know. I need someone to take me.." Lucifer whispered to the kitty. Keekee meowed in response. "I think he's telling the truth too!" He whispered back. Keekee just meowed again. "He has pointy teeth.. but what choice do I have?" He whispered back to the cat. Meanwhile, Alastor was just shaking himself with the chair trying to set himself free. Lucifer sighed, as he made his final decision. "Okay, Alastor Altruist, I'm prepared to offer you a deal." Alastor stopped, now a bit interested. "A deal?~" Alastor said, a bit cheery. "Look this way." Lucifer said as he grabbed the rope and turned the chair. Unfortunately for Alastor, the chair fell with him, making him hit his head.

Lucifer then opened a curtain, revealing his painting of the 'shifting stars.' "Do you know what these are?" Lucifer asked Alastor. "You mean the star thing Heaven does once a year for the prince?" Lucifer's face light up. "Stars from Heaven... I knew they weren't ordinary stars!" He said to himself. He then looked back at Alastor. "Well, tommorow evening, they will light the the night sky with these stars from Heaven. You, Alastor, will act as my guide, take me to these stars, and return me home safely. Then, and only then, will I return your satchel to you. That is my deal."

Alastor ears dropped. He was expecting something more easier to get his 'prized treasure' back. "Yeah... no can do.~" Alastor said as he tried fixing himself up. "Unfortunately the kingdom and I aren't exactly simpatico at the moment, so I wont be taking you anywhere." Lucifer was disappointed by this, but he wasn't giving up so easily. Keekee just glared at him, showing her paw. (violent kitty.) Lucifer dropped down and grabbed the rope, pulling the chair up. "Well, Alastor Altruist. Something brought you here. Call it what you want.. faith, destiny.." Lucifer said. Alastor was still with his smile, but annoyed. "A goat dragon.~" He interrupted. "So I have made the decision to trust you." Lucifer said as he got closer. "A horrible decision, really.~" Alastor cleared up. "But trust me when I tell you this." Lucifer pulled the chair foward, tilting it a bit, but held it back with his ar.. Now they where close, face to face. Lucifer had a serious expression while Alastor had a small blush, working hard to maintain his smile. "You can tear this tower, brick by brick. But without my help, you will never, ever, find your precious satchel." Lucifer clarified, glaring at the deer.

Alastor calmed down, and cleared his throat. "Hm, let me get this straight. I take you to see Hevaven's stars, bring you back home, and you'll give me my satchel?~" Alastor asked. Lucifer hesitated a bit, but spoke up. "I promise..." Alastor looked at the short angel, a bit weird. "And trust me, when I promise something, I never, ever, break that promise." Alastor just raised his eyebrow at the deer. "Ever." Lucifer said, not taking his glare away. Keekee meowed, agreeing that this was true. Alastor's smile thinned. "All right, listen. I didn't want to have to do this... but you leave me no choice. Here comes.. the smirk.~" (i hate myself its supposed to be smolder but Al aint capable of that) Alastor then gave him that goofy ah smirk once again, but it didn't work, as Lucifer just intensed his glare, which it weirdly looked cute for Alastor. Still, he continued smirking. "This is kind of an off day for me. This doesn't normally happen.~" Alastor randomly said. "FINE! I'll take you to see the stupid damn stars...~" He said, not really happy.

"Really!?" Lucifer said excitedly, accidentally dropping Alastor. "Oops.." He said as Alastor groaned. "You broke my smirk..."

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