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-Jacob's POV-

I had been watching over Y/N and our daughter Jade for some time now, ever since the moment I had intervened and replaced Rui's child with my own.

It was a necessary manipulation, one that was crucial to the plan that would soon come into play.

Yn was not just any woman- she was my mate, the other half of my soul.

Her death had devastated me, and when I discovered that she had been reincarnated, I knew I had to act.

Rui, for all his good intentions, was not worthy of her or the child they shared.

That robotic abomination doesn't even deserve to look her way.

So I took matters into my own hands, using my vast powers to switch the fetus, ensuring that Jade was truly mine.

A name I choose for my daughter.

The deception had been easy, the human mind so easily manipulated. Yn believes
wholeheartedly that Jade is her and Rui's daughter, none the wiser to the truth.

Thats why I must get her back to the real her. Human life made her stupid.

And now, as I stood in the shadows, watching Y/N agonize over Jade's sudden illness, I felt a twinge of remorse.

It had been my doing, of course– a necessary test to see the depths of Yn's love and devotion.

But seeing her so distraught, so broken, it tugged at something deep within me.

Silently, I approached the crib, my essence shifting and morphing into a shadowy figure.

Reaching out, I gently touched Jade's forehead, delving into the recesses of her mind.

I listened intently, gathering the information I needed– the conversation she had overheard in the womb, the feeling of Yn's love, the desperate longing for her father's-My presence.

With a subtle flick of my wrist, I released the sickness that had gripped Jade, the sepsis dissipating as if it had never been.

She let out a soft coo, her face relaxing into a peaceful slumber, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride.

My work here was done, for now. I turned to leave, but a sudden surge of power stopped me in my tracks.

Yn had sensed my presence, and she was not about to let me go without answers.

J-I really don't know how ur feeble human mind does it

Y-You look familiar. Why are you in here?!

Slowly, she turned me to face her, my ethereal form casting a shadow over the dimly lit room as my portal opened

Slowly, she turned me to face her, my ethereal form casting a shadow over the dimly lit room as my portal opened

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Her eyes were wide, a mixture of fear and determination etched across her features.

Y-Who are you?

She demanded, her voice trembling slightly.

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