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-Yn Pov-

Before I could ask anything else Nyx covered my mouth as we seen

Thor slam down his umbrella, transforming into his Asgardian armor with Mjolnir.

Loki changes into his armor as well.

A piercing scream cuts the air as a figure is hurtled out of the portal, crashing out of this dimensional rift is a woman.

Nyx then whispered the name as if she was reading my mind

Nyx-That's Hela

It looks as if Hela takes a second to consider her surroundings.

Hela-So he's gone?That's a shame. I would've liked
to have seen that.

A tense moment as they stare each other down.

Nyx-on my signal you attack then i'm right behind you. Ok?

She whispered in my ear, her breath hitting all the right spots causing my body to tingle, still I nodded.

Looks like I can't relax anymore. I hope my family isn't worried.

Thor-You must be Hela. I'm Thor, son of Odin.

Hela-Really, you don't look like him.

Loki-Perhaps we can reach an

Hela-You sound like him. So. Where is my offspring. I've waited so long just for this moment. The day I can hold her again.

I can see Loki shifting nervously and Thor's grip tightens on Mjolnir.

Hela-Fine. Ill find her myself. Till then...Kneel.

My eyes widen.

Loki-Beg your pardon?

Hela manifest's a pitch black blade.

Hela-Kneel...before your Queen.

Thor-I don't think so.

Thor winds up and hurls Mjolnir at Hela...

- THUD -

The mighty hammer comes to a cold stop, against Hela's hand.

We all were shocked.

He stretches out his hands, trying to call Mjolnir back to him but she had a firm grip.

The hammer trembles in Hela's hand, like a mini game of tug-o-war. But ultimately she keeps possession.

Thor-It's not...possible.

Hela-Darling, you have no idea what's possible.

What happened next didn't even feel real. She shattered his hammer

The blast of Mjolnir's destruction sends a wave of energy through all of us and Nyx held me protectively taking the blow we all brace ourselves against the impact.

Thor is stupefied. In shock. We see Hela is running her hands back over her head to create the terrifying battle headdress.

Nyx- now.

She lets go and I teleport in front of her as she walked towards loki and kicked flying her back towards Nyx who grabbed her with her powers keeping her down

Hela-there you are

She broke free breaking Nyx's staff then fighting her

They both went on going weapon to weapon since Nyx couldn't use her dark powers now that her staff was gone.

Thor-Cmon we gotta get you home-

Nyx went flying over her knocking into me as Hela came back over

Loki's reaction is more panic than before. He then calls up.

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