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-Y/n Pov-

He breathed, his lips brushing against mine in a tender kiss.

The kiss quickly deepened, our bodies pressing together as the simmering desire between us threatened to boil over.

I lost myself in the taste of him, the feel of his hands roaming my curves, until a sudden knock at the door had us springing apart, breathless and flushed.

May-Peter? Are u ready? Did u contact yn?

May's voice called out

Peter shot me a sheepish look, hastily straightening his clothes.

Peter-Uh, yeah, Aunt May, Im coming and she already ate, she's on the way

He replied, his voice a few octaves higher than usual.

I bit my lip, trying to suppress a smile as I looked at him

Peter-You stay, I'll see u later.


As May ushered Peter out of the room, I took the opportunity to slip away, heading towards the guest room that had become my temporary sanctuary.

My mind was still reeling from the intense exchange with Peter, the lingering heat of his touch sending shivers down my spine.

A small sigh escaped my lips, a bittersweet smile tugging at the corners of my mouth.

Part of me yearned to be by his side, to continue exploring the depths of our connection, but I knew I needed to respect his boundaries, at least for now.

I just had to win him over

I sank down onto the edge of the bed, my fingers trailing absentmindedly along the soft duvet.

The silence of the room was a welcome rest, allowing me to gather my thoughts and process the whirlwind of emotions that had consumed me.

As I replayed the conversation with Peter in my mind, a deep sense of longing settled in the pit of my stomach.

I wanted nothing more than to be fully part of his life, to have him choose me without the lingering attachment to Liz.

But I knew that would be unfair, both to him and to myself.

With a resigned sigh, I flopped back onto the bed, my gaze fixed on the ceiling.

Perhaps it was best to take a step back, to give Peter the space he needed to sort out his own feelings.

As much as it pained me, I couldn't force him to choose me, no matter how much I wanted him to.


A hazy fog clouded my mind as I slowly drifted back to consciousness, the warmth of a familiar presence enveloping me.

My eyelids fluttered open, and I found myself staring up into the captivating gaze of Peter Parker, his face mere inches from my own.

Before I could utter a word, his lips crashed against mine in a desperate, searing kiss, effectively silencing any protest that threatened to escape my lips.

The intensity of his touch sent a jolt of electricity through my body, and I found myself melting into his embrace.

Peter's hands roamed my curves possessively, his touch igniting a burning desire within me.


He murmured against my lips, his voice low and sultry.

Peter-May's asleep. We need to be quiet.

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