Chapter 12: Doomsday

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I've told this story all wrong. I know there's important things I've missed, worthwhile stories that have been lost in the sea of time and memories. I've tried to focus on the relevant bits, things you might know or remember but have heard differently, things you might find interesting, but sometimes it's hard to tell what is relevant from what is just a memory. And they never come back in the proper order, do they? You remember one thing, and that reminds you of something else you forgot that actually happened long before but absolutely must be included or no one will understand the later thing... and so you snake and wind and meander your way through the halls of your history, and it's so easy to get lost.

Well, I tried. I may have missed things. Whatever. You've probably got the gist of it. Now to the part you really want to hear: how it ended. What happened the day god got off his ass and picked up his sword.

It didn't come for many centuries after the first signs of god stirring, and the intervening time was filled with increasing activity from god, still with no explanation, causing increasing tension among the angelic host. Then finally, one day out of the blue, Jesus appeared in my room in an explosion of light, startling me awake. Most of my time these days are spent unconscious or semiconscious and unable to move my physical form. I blink burning eyes at him; he's out of breath and clearly distressed.

"It's happening!" he gasps finally. "Luce, it's happening now. The armies are massing for attack. I'm sorry I can't stay long."

"You...You're not fighting with us?" I manage. In my state, there's no way I can face god without Jesus as backup. The effort alone of flying out to meet him would probably tear the last of me apart. I know we hadn't ever really talked about what would happen when this time came, but he'd been so supportive of me and of Hell, I'd just assumed...

A tortured expression crosses his face. "I don't want to fight at all. I'm sorry, Lucifer. I can't do this."

"Oh. Okay. Well, thanks for the heads up then." I guess.

"But here. The most I can do is this." He steps forward and clasps my hands. Warmth and strength flows into me, and I'm able to take a deep breath. I can still feel the strain – and the pain of it – in the background, but for now, it's like standing on a stool: I'm still too short, but I've got a boost that will compensate long enough for me to reach the top shelf.

Jesus staggers back, pale and shaky. Then he gathers himself. "That should last you a few hours. I'm sorry it's not more and it's not permanent, but hopefully it'll be enough to last you through the fight and scare father off for good."

"He's going to kill me," I say quietly. "Not that I'm not grateful – I am, really. But the only reason god would be attacking now instead of continuing to try to wait me out is if he's found a way to destroy me. And since I don't have a way to destroy him, there's only one way this ends. I just have to hope the plan works, and I can keep him busy long enough for the humans to do their bit."

He looks stricken. "Maybe he won't –"

"He will." I hold his gaze. I'm not going to lie or hedge to make this easier for him to accept. It's just the truth, and we both have to face it, no matter how awful.

He hugs me tightly then. "I'm sorry," he whispers. "Make it count." He releases me and I nod. "I have to go," he says helplessly. I raise a hand, half salute, half wave, and as abruptly as he arrived, he's gone.

I press the button for the intercom. "Call for a full assembly." Seconds later, the skies of Hell are filled with the deafening ringing of thousands of bells. We've prepared for an event like this but have never had to use it, and I can only hope that panic doesn't seize the masses. If all goes according to plan, soon they'll all be gathering in their nearest assembly area to witness the emergency announcement. I have a quick errand to run first before I do that, though.

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