Chapter 18: New

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I launch myself into the skies of Hell. The currents are alive beneath my wings. I'm light as a feather and brimming with energy; I feel like I could fly for days without stopping.

"ELIZA!" I shout, flipping in the air. Normally, she recognizes me, but I look a bit different now, and she probably thinks I'm dead. "Eliza!" I call again, each wingbeat carrying me over acres of Hell below. I don't know where I'll find her.

"Lucifer! Is that really you?" Eliza is flapping frantically up towards me, her face incredulous. I dive down to her, catching her out of the air and twirling her around. She gasps and holds on tight. "Lucifer..." Abruptly, she hammers her fists against my chest. "You dummy! I saw you die! I really thought you were dead!"

I wince, but I can't stop her assault without letting go of her, and I can't, or she'll fall. "It didn't take."

She stops hitting me and humphs. "You look different. Really badass."

"Perks of coming back from the dead."

"So what happens now? Is God going to leave us alone?"

I laugh and spin her again. "It's all over, Eliza. We're safe. I have so much to tell you!"

"Yeah, you do! Let me go and spread those fancy new wings. You can tell me everything as we fly." It takes some doing to get her stable in the air again, but when we do, she grins crookedly at me. "Come on. Let's take in the glory of what you died to save."

I can't stop smiling. So, this is what it feels like to be happy.

* * *

I sit on the now empty entrance platform waiting for Jesus. I need to talk to all of the humans again, tell them what happened and that everything's okay, but I have one more thing Jesus and I need to take care of first. It's strange to be able to just sit here without the pressure of something looming over me, to just breathe in the rich, heady scent of the breeze without having to rush off somewhere.

"You know, you're no longer banned from fa– my realm. You can come by my place now if you want to see me." Jesus appears beside me, his eyes dancing. "The repairs are just about done. You should come see it."

I climb to my feet. "I think I'd like that." I smile at him. "What're you looking so pleased about? Enjoying your newfound power?"

He snorts. "Like you don't feel like a new person. But it's not that. I've been thinking."

"Sounds dangerous."

He smirks. "There's a legend about you in heaven. According to the angels, when you first came into being, you shone with a light so bright, our father named you Lightbringer. He then scattered petty imitations of you across the universe and called them stars."

"That's the story." I'm not sure where this is going.

"You know what Elyon said, about you having intellectual ownership over Elohim's creation? Well, at first, I assumed he meant humans, because as you told me, they were your brainchild."


"What if it was more than that? How much of his work did he draw from you? Things you said, your reactions, the very fact of your existence... Did he ever even invent anything?"

My mouth snaps shut. I thought he was just going to bring up the stars. But then I remember laughing along with my father, making jokes and vague hand motions that he rapidly gave form to. Do I even know what I'm responsible for? I blink at him, staggered.

"You're the Lightbringer," he said. "Let there be light." He laughs delightedly and slaps my back. "As for... 'father's' old realm, I kept it mostly the same. Just some slight improvements." He grows more serious. "You ready for this?"

I nod. I lift my hands, palm outward, in front of me, here where the boundary is thinnest. Jesus copies me, holding his hands only a breath away from mine. I close my eyes on focus on the space between our hands, feel the fabric of Hell malleable to my thoughts like never before. Will you help me give them a doorway? I ask. I don't command. Hell responds, the energy racing down my arms and building between our hands. I move backwards, and Jesus does the same. A crackling tear forms between us, arched in golden light. When it feels right, I stop, and he does too. I look through and see a split image. One half shows the gleaming gold of heaven, nostalgic and painful all at once. The other flashes blue and rushing green, and my heart leaps in memory of the garden – only the sweet memories.

I let out a shuddering breath. "It's time."

* * *

Once again, the bells of Hell rang, and once again all of the humans were assembled. There was quite a commotion when people saw and recognized me, but they quieted when I took the mic.

"This has been a long time coming. I know there's a lot that you don't know – like how I'm alive – but we have all of eternity to answer that. Thank you all for all of your help and support that brought us here safely to this day. The threat of god has been averted, once and for all. It's over." I almost can't say these next words and have to take a steadying breath. "We won." Cheers roar up from the crowd, but they hush up just as quickly, sensing I have more to say. "There's going to be some changes to your afterlife, starting today. Jesus and I" – Jesus gives a little wave – "have opened a doorway to both heaven and Earth. This doorway will stay open for you to come and go as you please." Part of me wonders if Hell will be a ghost town in a matter of hours or days. "All of you – angels, humans, fallen – are welcome in both our realms whenever and wherever you choose to go."

I pause, smiling. This feels so, so good. I gesture to the doorway behind me. "Everyone, welcome to a new heaven and a new Earth!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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