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Chapter 36


Watching Lauren shatter before me was hard. And after listening to her story. I pitted her. She had gone through a lot. Especially staying away from her child for that long. And for losing a child. It was something I couldn't relate to. And I can never survive that. She is a strong woman.

"Eric planted a woman in Ethan's life. Martha. She is the daughter of his best friend. She betrayed him and left him.  But, when I finally heard that Ethan had found love. I was truly happy for my son. I knew that Eric couldn't have been able to fight it even if he tried. Ethan was like his father. When they love. They do it with the whole of their heart. So, I am pleading. Don't ruin your relationship. Ethan is all yours". 

I sobbed in her embrace. She is just like a mother I never had. I found peace in her warm embrace.


I came out of the bathroom after I showered. I was still drying my wet hair. I felt hands wrapped around my waist from behind. Yes, I know whose hands it was. But I ignored it. Somehow. I am still hurting.  But, for our family's sake. I let it slide.

"Can I talk to you". His hot breath fans my ear. I feel electric shock all through my body and I squeeze my legs. He usually has this effect on me.

I turned to face him. And he was waiting for my reply as I looked at him.  "OK. Can we sit?". I asked with a scowling face.

He ushered me to sit on the bed. He sat beside me. But he was facing me.  I on the other hand was looking elsewhere but him.

"First of all. I want to thank you for helping me with Martha even though I couldn't tell you about her. You figured it out on your own. And you helped me to get rid of her".  He sighed maybe waiting for my reply.

But when I wasn't saying anything. He continues. "I also want to thank you for finding my mom. It means a lot to me...".  My statement interrupted him.

"I didn't find her. She came to me. I only brought her home because I know you will want to meet her". I stated as a matter of fact.

"I still want to thank you for that. It meant a lot to me". He concluded

"You're welcome". I said. But it came as a whisper

"Can we talk about us?". His fingers lifted my chin to face me. My eyes were blurry. But I held it in.  "Please, forgive me. I know I hurt you. And I don't have any reason to justify my actions. It would be stupid if I did. But, I want you to know that you have my heart. You are the only family I have now and I cannot lose you. Please. Forgive me this once and I will never betray your trust ever again ".  He went on his knees as he said those words.

I was a sobbing mess now. I also went on her knees and hugged Ethan. He was shocked. He never thought that this simple action of his could melt my heart.

He put a kiss on top of my head and top of my nose. And on to of my lips. And on top of my chin. I sniffed and he smiled.

Then he kissed me. At first, it was a gentle and soft kiss. But, it soon turned into a hot and passionate kiss. Both of us fought for dominance. But he won. He sucked every corner of my mouth. The kissing section took like fifteen minutes before we broke the kiss so could breathe.

"I love you". Ethan confessed while his two palms were still cupping my cheeks

"I loved you more". I said. And he kissed me again. But, I pulled away immediately and ran into the toilet. I  felt nauseous and immediately I emptied everything in my bowel. It was so sudden that it got Ethan confused.

He took an elastic band and he put my hair together so it wouldn't get in my puke.

When I  was done. He helped me to get up. He flushed the toilet and helped me to wash my face.

I brushed my teeth and rinsed my mouth with the mouthwash.

Ethan guided me to the room and I lay on the bed. He covered me with the duvet and sat beside me. Tucking a lock of my hair to the back of my ear. He kissed my lip gently.  "Are you ok?".  He was looking worried.

"I don't know. I just got this weird feeling all of a sudden. I am still feeling the same. Maybe I need to rest" I replied.

"I will call the doctor to come check on you. So just rest ok?".  He left before I could reply.


I couldn't be happier than this. I have always anticipated a day like this. Finally, I am going to be a dad. For real.

With a glass of wine in my mouth watching my mom and Elizabeth celebrating with Emma for the good news we just broke to them.

Emma was also ecstatic. Initially, I was scared when the doctor revealed to me that she was pregnant. I thought she would not welcome the idea. But I was wrong. She was so happy. Or should I say, she was joyful?

I woke up this morning strong and I turned to check on my beautiful sunshine. But she was not there. I frowned at that and suddenly she came out from the walk-in closet well-dressed. In office attire.

"What are you doing?". I asked while getting out of bed.

"Morning to you too. Getting ready for work".  She replied as she fixed her hair while looking in the mirror.

I walked to her and pulled her to my chest.  "You don't need to go to the office for now. You heard what the doctor said yesterday. He said you need to rest at least for the next few weeks".  I tried to let her see the reasons.

She locked eyes with me and was as stubborn as she could be. She replied. But not in my favour.   "I left so much work undone last week. I want to go and clear my table. That is all. And may I remind you that I am only pregnant but not sick". She smiled. And I am struck by her beauty just like the first time I met her.

"Ok. Just be careful". I put a kiss down her stomach and I kissed her lips gently. She smiled and left.

As much as I am proud of her working energy. I am not happy she is going to work. But then. There was nothing I could do to stop her. Not when her mind is made up.

I went for a shower and I got ready for work. Walking down the stairs. I met with my mother looking worried. I raised my brow in confusion.

"I was about to come to you Son".  She sounded troubled

"What might be the problem"  I asked with a raised brow

"Your wife just left for work". She said.

"I know".

"How can you allow her to go to work after everything?".  She started pacing around.

"Mom. Calm down.  She will be fine. She only went to clear her desk".  I explained.

Suddenly, Albert walked in. Looking worried.

"What are you doing here? Where is my wife?"

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