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Chapter 39


I went for a black sweatpants and a white tank top after I showered. Coming out of the bathroom. I was still towel-drying my wet hair. As soon as I was done. I dropped the towel into the trash basket in the closet.

I was about to go out of the room when Ethan walked inside our bedroom carrying a tray of food. Very funny.

"What are you doing?". He asked me as he dropped the food on the coffee table in our room.

"I was trying to come down to meet you". I said smiling

"Umm" He hums "But I didn't say you should come down to eat. I said I was going to bring your food ".  He scolded and I pouted

"Come, sit and eat your food ". He led me to sit down. He brought the bowl of food to me and as he was about to feed me. I stopped him.

"I can feed myself, Ethan. Stop treating me like a sick person. Please". I begged.

I saw tears drop down his cheeks but he wiped them immediately.
"You don't know how I've been without you". He said while looking down at the food. "I was dead inside. I thought I had lost you and the baby". He sniffles. Then he looks at me and his thumb wipes away tears I didn't know were about to drop on my cheeks. "If I had lost you. I would have been a dead man living Emma. Do you know why?".  I shook my head.  Then he continues. "Because you are the reason I live. You are my life, Emma. You are the reason I breathe and without you. I am no one. So, please take care of yourself and the baby. You are all I've got". Then he kissed me with so much love and it felt so good that I didn't want him to stop. But he eventually pulled away from kissing me. And I felt cold immediately.

"Now, open your mouth and eat". He said as he took a scoop of the pudding and stuffed it into my mouth.

He repeated the same process over and over again until I was full. I drank water and I was ok.

A maid came in to carry away the plate and Ethan took me to bed so I could get some rest. But I don't want to sleep now. I want to walk instead. He kept treating me like something was about to happen to me.

"Cupcake". He turned to look at me as I called him.

He was wearing his grey sweatpants and his upper body was bare. I couldn't get my eyes off his well-sculpted body. I don't know if it is hormones. But I want him inside me now.

He came and lay beside me and my heartbeats sped up.  "Yes, Sunshine". He kissed my lips briefly.

"I want you to make love to me now". I shyly summon the courage to say it.

He smirked and his fingers brushed a part of my hair aside before he kissed me. This time it was gentle but, passionate. I kissed him back with the same intensity. As gentle it felt. It also shows a lot of desperation as if he was hungry for my mouth.

His hands started exploring my body as he kissed down my neck.
I was so wet that I knew I had ruined the sweatpants I was wearing since I didn't have any panties under.

Ethan took off my tank top and my breasts were exposed to his hungry eyes. He captures one of my nipples in his mouth and he sucked and nipped on it. I moaned out as he pleasured me. Giving my other breasts the same treatment. His hand pulled down my pants and when he finally pulled it off me. He sat on his knees and he looked at me like he was ready to devour me. Like I was his meal.

While still in that position. He spread my legs and kissed my ankle. His fingers spread my fold and he buried his head in between my thighs and I felt his hungry warm lips as they devoured me.  Ethan sucking, licking and fucking me with his tongue. I felt the knots in my stomach tightened. I could see the stars.

I screamed and cried out of pleasure. Suddenly, he stopped and stripped out of his sweatpants. His glistening cock was painfully hard and veiny. I want it. All of it.

"I want you to wet my cock with your cum sunshine. This might take longer than you can ever imagine because I am not going to go easy on you. Are you ready for me my love?". He asked and I nodded.

"Use your word sunshine"

"Yes baby. Fuck, I need this..".

Before I could finish my sentence he pushed deeply into me. And I was full. I tried to adjust to him as he stretched me. But, he was not gentle. He pulled out and slammed right inside me again. I screamed out and he kissed me passionately while giving me a powerful stroke.

It continues like that as we moan, groan and grunt. He hung my legs over his shoulder as he pounded into me brutally hitting my g spot. I was gone. The only thing that showed that I was alive was my breathing and my grip on his arm. I came undone and he grunted. After three more thrusts. Ethan flipped me and pulled my ass to face him leaving my back to him.

He gently entered me from behind so as not to injure me. I screamed out his name.

"Ethan, Ethan baby".

He bent down to kiss the back of my neck and whispered to me "We are just starting my love". And he continued to thrust into me rhythmically. The sound our bodies make is like music to our ears.

We continue in different positions. Ethan made me come five times before he found his own release.

We were both exhausted and we were panting and laughing. It felt good. He felt so good and I was content with everything.

We were lying on our backs, our fingers intertwined.

"I love you cupcake". I said

"I love you sunshine. With all I have". He replied and I was happy.

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