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Chapter 41

Emma and Ethan were fighting and their mother was already tired of separating them each time they fought.

Don't be confused. Ethan and his wife Emma decided to name their twin after their names. So, the boy who is the younger one is named Ethan while his elder sister is named Emma.

The twins always fight for a particular toy. It has always been like that.

Unlike other twins. Ethan's children are different. The boy is a replica of his father while the girl is just like her mom. The only difference is that. The boy took to his mother's personality while the girl had her dad's.

"I think we should get them the same toy so they can stop fighting". Emma suggested it to the Twin's Nanny as she carried the baby Ethan on her lap.

Baby Emma starts crying immediately after her mom carries Baby Ethan.

"What is going on here? And why is my prince crying?". Ethan walked into the room and carried Baby Emma who stopped crying immediately she was carried by her dad.

Ethan kissed his wife "How is my Queen doing today? He asked.

"I think we need another Nanny. They are always fighting. Olivia might find it difficult to handle them alone once I resume back to work". She explained to him.

"That can be arranged. I also thought of it. But, why were they always fighting?" He asked as he rocked Princess Emma to sleep. He lay her inside her crib and covered her with the covers.

"They fight for a particular toy". She replied.

"Then get them more if it can solve the problem". He suggested and took Prince Ethan from his wife.

Ethan also rocked Prince Ethan to sleep. He put him in his crib and covered him up.

He pulled his wife up and they both left the children with their Nanny.




"Mom". Emma called me while stuffing her school bag with some extra clothes.

"Yes honey. And why are you putting your clothes in your school bag?". I asked

"Oh, that. My luggage is full already. Just want to add these few stuff in here. I will need them when I get to China". She shrugs. "And mom. Can I ask you a question?". Zipping her bag and putting it on her bed. She turned to me

Over the years. Ethan and I have been shuttling between our two kids. Sometimes I choose to stay with Prince Ethan. While sometimes Princess Emma.

Ethan is helping Prince to prepare for his trip to China. I am not too comfortable with the whole travelling thing. But my husband has a different opinion. He wants them to explore and be independent. How is travelling to China to be independent? I share a different opinion though.

Ever since our children celebrated their eighteenth year birthday. Ethan has been spoiling them. According to him. And I quote. "My first gift on my 18th birthday was a ticket to China. And it was the most memorable experience of my life. I want my children to experience the magic too"

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