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Chapter 37

It has been two hours since Emma has been missing. Albert explained how it all happened.

"I am sorry boss. But, she is missing"  He told

"What do you mean she is missing?". Ethan grabbed Albert by the collar of his shirt and drew him closer. He was fuming with rage.  "Your only Job was to watch her. How come she disappeared without you knowing? Hmm? Answer me". He could not control his anger.

"Oh my God. This is one of the reasons I was against her going out Ethan. But you said it was only for her to clear her desk at work. Now your pregnant wife is missing. She sobs

Ethan pulled away from Albert

"We were on our way to the office when she suddenly craved iced cream. She asked me to get her some. Which I did. But when I came back. She was no longer there. I searched everywhere I could. But, to no avail. Her bag and phone are still in the car which only indicates that".  He paused for a second "I think she might be kidnapped".  He concluded

Ethan sat on the staircase with his hands grasped together and elbows resting on his upper thigh looking at Albert straight in the eyes.

Zack walked in immediately. "Boss sir". He bows.  "We can track her whereabouts". He informed

"And how?". He stood up with hope

"I am very sorry sir. But as the chief security officer. I put a tracking device on everyone in this family, sir. Her is in the engagement ring you got her. I did it in case something like this happened" Ethan nodded in response.

"I believe the kidnappers will call to make their demands known soon". Albert added.

"OK, get to work" Ethan instructed. "Wait". Ethan walked close to Zack "You know that money is not my problem. My wife is pregnant Zack. Nothing should go wrong. Make sure to bring her back to me safe and sound". He spoke into Zack's ear so only Zack could hear what he said and Zack nodded in understanding before he left and Albert followed.

Tyler has been on his system checking all the street security cameras around the ice cream shop where Emma was adopted.

He went further to track the tracking device that was on Emma. According to Zack. The tracking device is in her ring.

Tyler worked for hours nonstop. They still couldn't find Emma. Ethan had instructed that they were not permitted to take any rest until his wife was found.


Emma was tied to a bed. She was blindfolded. Her hands were tied and her ankles were also banded together.

She couldn't shout since a gag was put in her mouth.

She looked around her. She noticed that the room was beautiful almost similar to the rooms in their mansion.

She also noticed that the house she was in was like a family house as she could hear the voices of a woman and two kids. She wondered if the woman was the one who got her kidnapped.

The doorknob was twisted open and a maid brought food for her. Accompanied by a guard.

The guard untied her hands and he removed the gag in her mouth. Her ankles were freed too. And she felt better. 

The maid gave her the tray of food. And left the room immediately.

"Now, eat" It came as an instruction from the tall lanky guard whose name she doesn't know.

"Who are you? And, what do you want from me?".

Emma asked the man standing before her watching her every move.

"Who I am is not important. Eat your food. And, it's not poisoned". He said

"How can I trust your word? I don't even know you. Besides, I was brought here against my wish. I am sorry, I am not hungry. Please, let me go back to my family".  She pleaded.

"I am sorry, that is not possible my dear"  Said a beautiful woman around Ethan's age.

Emma turned to the door side and her eyes met with the beautiful woman who looked familiar to her.

"You look familiar to me. I think I have seen you before". She breathes

"Yes, you have".  She was standing right in front of Emma now. The guard bowed to her and left the room.

The woman took an armchair that was somewhere around the room and sat opposite Emma to have a chat with her.

Emma was still trying to put two and two together but, she couldn't understand why she was brought here against her wish. She needed answers.

"So, who are you and, why have you brought me here?". She asked

The woman smiled and replied "Don't worry, eat your food. Then we can talk"

"I am sorry. But, I don't feel like it". Emma replied.

"You need to eat for your baby's sake. We don't want to harm the future heir of William's Family. So, eat for the sake of your child". She warned

Emma was shocked at her words. She knew that the news of her pregnancy was not out yet. So, how did this stranger know that she was pregnant?

"How did you know?". She whispered

"Oh, that? It is simple. I've been there before. Twice. So, it is easy for me to know that you are pregnant my dear".

"You lied. Who are you? Answer me". She shouted

"Don't raise your voice at me". She warned.   "But if you must know. I am Elisa. Your husband's cousin". She reveals

"Now I remember you. I saw you at the funeral. So, what do you want?". She demanded

I am sorry for this short chapter. It was a quick draft. I have been so busy writing other books. Please forgive me.

I hope you remember Elisa.
The question is, what does she want?

We shall find out in the next chapter.

Other published books from me
* STRONGHOLD (Taming the billionaire

*Irresistible (Lost in her charm)

*The one for Giovanni. 

*Being Mrs Alexander Wright.  Publishing soon.


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