FOUND Chapter 38

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"By now I guess you have known that my late father was not William's real Son. He was adopted.

The Williams took care of him and he became their heir until Ethan's father was born. The Williams family had given up on Margaret. They thought she would never conceive. So, my father was treated like a prince after his adoption.

But immediately Ethan's father came into the picture. My father was treated badly. They abandoned him and left him to fend for himself. He worked in that company just like a normal employee.

I was born into that family Emma. I can tell you that after my father's death. I was treated like a trash in that house. Grandmother treated me like a maid in that house.

Ethan was good to me though. We grew up together. We schooled together. But, we were treated differently. Ethan was treated like a prince. While I was treated like a slave. I never knew that my father was adopted all through my growing up.

When I got married. At that time. My grandmother was no more. So, I was treated like a princess. And all this while I thought I was their legitimate granddaughter.

Until recently, before my grandfather died. No, before Ethan's grandfather died. I discovered that my late dad Mark owned two of the hotels of TLMC.

But, after Gran died. My father's name was no longer included in his will. A Will I was opportune to read a few days before his death. Then my father was to be given two of the hotels. So, what happened after his death?". She paused.

Emma was in a serious thought. Everything looks confusing to her. But she couldn't say anything as Elisa continued

"Your husband changed the Will Emma. He wants everything for himself. That is how greedy he was". She conceded.

"Ethan is not a greedy man. It seems you don't know him at all". Says Emma.

"No. You don't know him. I knew him more than you do. He even helped with my business. I thought he was a good man. Not until recently, I found out about who he is. I am sorry you are caught up in this mess. But I have no other way to fight him. He is a very powerful ma. And he is stupidly rich. There was no way I could have won against him in court. So I thought that if I take what matters to him the most. Then, maybe I can get back what rightfully belongs to me". She stood up as she said those things to Emma.

"So, you plan to use me as bait. And, you believe I am Ethan's weakness?". Emma shook her head and stood up looking at Elisa face to face. "I am sorry Elisa. But you have chosen the wrong way to do this. I was never Ethan's weakness and will never be. I will advise you to find another way out". Emma confronted her.

Elina laughed at Emma. And looked at her amusingly. "It seems your husband did not tell you?". She asked

Emma folded her arms around her chest with a scowling face, she asked "What do you mean?". Was her reply?

Elina's hands rested on her hips. "The day you signed those papers to become the CEO of TLMC. That very day. You because the co-owner of that company. Half of that company is yours baby girl. I guess you are ignorant of it". She elucidated.

Emma was speechless. She never knew Ethan had made her to sign such papers. Hearing this information from Elisa was shocking. She never knew that her husband trusted her that much to make her a co-owner of his company. All this while she thought Ethan did not love her that much. But now she knows better than to doubt his love.

She looks happy and she desperately wants to go back to her husband. She wants to tell him how much she loves him and to show him how much she cares. "What is your plan?". Emma asked

"Well, it's simple. I want my father's inheritance back Emma. Nothing much" She shrugged

"And once you get it. That's it? You don't want to have anything to do with him?" She questioned her

Elina went back to sitting down on the bed. She tilted her face to where Emma was "I love Ethan a lot. He is everything to me. We used to be best friends" She smiled and shook her head before she continued. "Do you know that everything Ethan wears was from me? He shops for his clothing and underwear only from my shop. He even shopped for you when he married you. Everything was from me". She sighed

"Emma. I don't know what happened to us. After Grandpa's death. Ethan changed. It was like I never knew him. He became a different person. I still love him, Emma. He will always be my cousin and family ". She poured out her heart.

Emma on the other hand saw pure emotion in the way she spoke. She saw her sincere heart and she thought of a way to bring them back together again as a family. Emma knew how much Ethan longed for a family. She saw how Ethan was broken when he lost his grandfather and how he thought he had lost Elisa too. "All for what? Inheritance?" She thought.

Before Emma could say a word. Elisa beat her to it. "You know what? You can go. To hell with the inheritance. I don't care anymore. You are free to leave Emma. Just forget about everything. I hope you can forgive me". She apologised

"What?". Emma was shocked as Elisa left her in the room

Soon a man came inside the room where Emma was.
"Ma'am. Please come with me. I am asked to drop you home". Said the man.

Emma hurried after him and she left with him.


Ethan was pacing in his living room while waiting to get positive information from his men about his wife.

His mother on the other hand was sitting on a sofa sobbing and her body was vibrating.

"Don't you think we should get the police involved?". She asked him

"Mother, I am more desperate to see my wife than you know. I can only declare her missing after 24 hours. Until then. Nothing can be done. Let's just hope for the best. My men her trying to track her whereabouts. Just calm down. She will b...". They were interrupted by Zack.

"Boss. We found her". He announced.

Ethan walked to him in two long steps. "What did you say?". He asked. His mother also joined them.

"We found her Boss. And the thing is". He paused.

Ethan held Zack on his shoulder as he asked "What is it?"

"She is on her way back here. She will be here any minute from now sir". He informed. And Ethan released his shoulder. And ran outside to wait for his wife.

Zack and Mrs Williams followed behind him. Rosalina and the rest of the maids were also waiting for the arrival of Emma.

After about five minutes. They saw a car approaching. The car was parked outside the mansion. And Emma came out of the car.

Ethan rushed to hold his wife and pulled her for a tight hug after inspecting her body for any injury.

The man who brought her left after Emma cleared him that he was not the one who abducted her.

Rosalina and the maids were all happy to receive Emma again. Albert came and Emma hugged him. She knew he must have been worried.

Ethan carried her bridal style while everyone busted into laughter at his behaviour.

"Ethan, put me down. I can walk. Nothing is wrong with me you know". She pleaded.

Ethan ignored her ranting and he carried her into their room.

Immediately he put her down. He spoke. "We shall talk after you eat. I want you to go inside there and shower. I will be back with your food". He left without waiting for her reply.

Ok. The tension is calm. Emma is back.

What next?

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Please check out other books from me. I am sure you will love them.

The second book of 'His Contract Marriage series two will be published immediately after this one ends. So, sit tight for another exciting and love-filled story.

Love you guys ❤️
Crown Imagination

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