Chapter 2

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(Earlier that morning....)

On an island just South of Berk, lived a small island owned by the humans. They are known as Vikings. The island they inhabit is called Drage øy. When you come towards the island, you can see that it has a large port that ships would come by and dock. The docks were also used to trade goods as well. The shores were heavily rocky. As you go farther in land, you can see some greenery that had houses on top of it. Above the village was a large mountain that was heavily fogged and had a dense forest. The fog was thick and only strong, tough Vikings are allowed to venture into those woods. Or risk death by strange terrify beasts that no one could see or hear until it was too late. More terrifying than the dragons, a Viking said. 

The small village was nestled on the one side of the island close to the shore. As the village got closer to the fog, you could see the amount of houses was getting smaller. Only one house lives close to the mountain fog. It was once owned by two but only one person resides in it now. 

The inside of the house was small. Only one bed was used while the other one was cluttered with book, papers and other junk that was left forgotten. In the middle was a large pit with a cauldron above it, so they could cook their food. Kitchen on one side while on the other was a desk to work on. The house did have a room above but it's mostly used for storage. And table nears the pit with two chairs. It was not much to look but when only one person in habits this house, it was perfect.


In the bed, the covers and fur began to move as a strand of dark black hair began to peek out from under them. Soon after, followed a teen no older than the age of sixteen, began to sit up as the covers fell onto his lap. The half naked boy gave a big yawn before opening his emerald green eyes. The boy's name was Toothless. Yes, the name sounds weird for a boy who has a mouth full of teeth, but most say that a strange name will scare away the monster that lurk in the dark. 

Sadly by the time Toothless was four years old when his parents left for a hunt and didn't come back .No one in the village wanted to take poor Toothless into their house at the time except for one man. A man, known as Cloudjumper. The man was the closes thing to a father that Toothless could remember. The man was kind and patient. He taught Toothless everything he knew about hunting, language, and other things. 

 But Cloudjumper had left on a journey up in the mountain a long time ago, thus Toothless living by himself. On his bed, Toothless stopped yawning. He slowly turned and placed his feet on the floor as he got up for his daily morning chores. The chores consisted of getting out of bed, making said bed, making breakfast for himself, eating said breakfast, clean dishes, and grabbing his bag to go to dock to get food for rest of week. Not much to do for this Viking. He already past training classes since he was ten. Best in class he was. Toothless was just a natural warrior. He was quick, smart, and had a knack for getting out of any situation. 

Toothless could go on the hunt on Berk island with the adults anytime he wanted, but luckily their chief, Ice Spitter, said that only people who are older then thirteen are allow to go. Toothless was glad when he heard that. Unlike his classmates, Toothless rather see his eleventh birthday than get himself killed. Now that he was older though, Toothless was curious to see what lies on the dangerous island that the adults talked about.


Down by the docks, Toothless was walking to one of the fish boats to get his daily fish for the day. When Toothless walked by some of the adults, he saw that some of them were carrying or placing nets, traps, and weapons on three boats. Toothless guessed that a group of men where going on another hunt .One sad thing about their island was that there was hardly anything to hunt. Yes, there was probably a lot of food at the top of the mountain, but because of the fog it was hard to see. So when an animal would come and attack a Viking, there would be no way to see it.

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