Chapter 6

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It had been five years now since Hiccup came to live with Toothless. The boy was growing fast....or was it slow. Hard to tell when the hybrid's body stays small but wings and tail grow bigger. Hiccup was able to transform in and out of his dragon mode with ease. He was able to glide to certain parts of the house as well. He would up to places such as the upstairs/balcony and the lofts.

They did go out of the house at certain times. Mostly at night since Hiccup blended in so well. Stormfly and Toothless would teach Hiccup how to fight in both his dragon and human form,with toothless teaching Hiccup to fight in his dragon form and stormfly in his human form. but only could do it certain times before the Vikings got suspicious. That caused Hiccup to be trapped in the house a lot. Astrid, howerever was the opppsite, since she was with Stormfly she got to go out more often as Stormfly hated being inside and always was outside. In fact Stormfly had a secret spot to take Astrid, The Cove.

That certainly did not go unnoticed. Especially by Stormfly . She and Astrid had become a regular in the house of Hiccup and Toothless. Mostly to hang out with the boys or just Hiccup, whenever Toothless was out hunting.

Stormfly started to notice how Hiccup felt cramped and big in the house. There wasn't enough room to move around for the hybrid. It was as if he was stuck in a cage. 

Stormfly decided to bring it up when Hiccup was asleep. And she meant dead sleep. As if nothing can wake you up sleep.

Once Hiccup was out she began to talk to Toothless, "What are you going to do?"

Toothless looked up at her from his book, sipping on coffee. "What do you mean?"

"Hiccup" she stated. "You can't keep him locked up like a pet, besides he can come with me and astrid to the cov-"

"He's not a PET" Toothless angrily cut her off. "And the cove is dangerous! especially the top parts! Your not meant to go there on your own!"

"Hey! don't tell me what to do! and besides, he's not going to reach his full potential being stuck in here all day" She watched Toothless slouch in his chair. Toothless knew that she was right.

 "I'm not saying you're doing a bad job or anything. But Hiccup need to be out there so he can stretch his wings and learn what it's like to be a real dragon. We can't just take him out once and a while to train. He needs to learn how to be a dragon. A real dragon that's part of him"

Toothless let out a sigh. "It's not like I can find a dragon to teach Hiccup and we can't let him fly around town"

"I know" Stormfly looked at her mug. It was true that the village was becoming suspicious. There was even a talk about a strange dragon-like creature roaming around at night. That was one of the main reasons why that had to stay indoors a lot. "If only you let me take Hiccup along with me to the Cove!"

"I would! if you weren't the type of person who'd go right toward the danger hidden in the cove-, Wait.... Stormfly, Your a GENIUS!" Toothless yells, he picks Stromfly up and twirls her around.

Toothless rushed over to Hiccup's bed ( Cloudjumper's old bed). He pulled out a trunk from underneath it and rummaged through it.

This caused Hiccup to startle awake from the sudden movement of his bed. Looking over, he saw Toothless going through a trunk that happened to belong to the man known as Cloudjumper. "What are you doing?" he asked sleepily.

"Looking for the map of the upper parts of the Cove!" Toothless said as he pulled out a bunch of different maps of the archipelago. 

"Why?" Hiccup asked Toothless sleepily.

"Cause we're gonna train there!"

Toothless looked at Hiccup and immediately the teenage hybrid knew that when toothless said "we" he meant as in him, Toothless, Stormfly and Astrid. "What about the monster you and "other humans" claimed to live there?"

"I'm sure it's nothing but a boar or something" Toothless remembered that most of the rumors were from Vikings who hadn't even seen the beast to know what it was.

"I'm sure it's nothing but a boar or something" Toothless remembered that most of the rumors were from Vikings who hadn't even seen the beast to know what it was.

"Then we'll just have to fight it off."

Hiccup groaned as he pushed his face back into the bed while Stormfly silently jumped up from the table. She was very excited to the upper part of the Cove. She always wanted to go and test her strength, but her parents told her no. But  then again, she could just lie them and say that she was going camping with Toothless. They wouldn't mind, besides her parents liked Toothless and she was pretty sure they were hoping something would happen on that trip, Like a ring or "would you be my girlfriend" or something like that.

Turning into a young adult or Teenager in this village, let alone Teenage girl, was even harder. People just wanted the girls to hurry up and get married to make more Viking babies. It was a sickening thought for Stormfly, She was more shield than maiden, and boy, did it annoy her parents.

"When do we leave?!"

Both boys stared at her in both shock and awe.

Heyyy guys!

Sorry for the delay. (mutters) stupid school...

Anyways! ima try and update this story sometime again this week

andddd stay tuned for HTTYD: Hybrids! its another story im writing and ima publish it around next week or earlier! 

comment if you liked this story so far!

stay tuned!

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